Honest, simple and no hidden fees.
Macedonia is a mountainous country with stunning scenery and driving offers a fantastic opportunity to really explore the interior of the country at your own pace. Skopje is a must-see and is easily reached by a network of highways.
If you do decide to journey on some minor and rural roads, the road conditions can be poor. Be aware that street lighting can be negligible and locals may ignore red lights and speed limits. If driving in rural areas, you may come across livestock and horse-drawn carts, so be aware at all times.
Read our Macedonia travel guide, you may also like to view information about destinations in Macedonia.
Drive on the right, overtake on the left.
If fitted, seat belts must be worn at all times by all occupants of the vehicle. The fine for non-compliance is €35.
A child under the age of 12 cannot travel in the front seat of vehicle.
The blood alcohol limit is 40mg alcohol per 100ml blood for normal drivers. There is a zero tolerance policy for newly qualified drivers. Anyone that appears to be under the influence of alcohol cannot sit in the front seat of a vehicle.
It’s illegal to use a mobile unless you have a hands-free kit.
It is compulsory to have a first aid kit, tow rope, warning triangle, and reflective jacket in the vehicle.
Between November 15th and March 15th, winter tyres and snow chains are mandatory outside of built up areas.
Winter tyres must be fitted on all wheels and have a minimum tread depth of 4mm. Summer tyres may be used if you carry snow chains. Maximum speed limit if using snow chains is 70kph (43mph).
If you are given an on the spot fine, an official receipt should be obtained. Fines must be paid at a Post Office or bank, if paid within 8 days of issue there is a 50% discount.
All vehicles must use dipped headlights during the day.
In urban areas you should only use your horn in an emergency but when in the countryside use your horn to let the car in front know you intend to overtake.
If you breakdown, you must put on a reflective jacket and place the reflective triangle 30m behind the vehicle to warn other drivers. Call the supplier who will be able to advise you further.
It is recommended you contact ourselves at the same time to ensure you follow the correct procedure.
If you’re in an accident, you MUST notify the Police and the car rental provider and get an accident report for insurance purposes. Failure to do so may result in you footing the whole bill. It is recommended that you contact us at the same time to ensure you follow the correct procedure.
There are some toll roads within Macedonia - these are usually payable in cash so take plenty of change
M1: Kumanovo – Miladinovci, Petrovec – Veles, Veles – Gradsko.
M3: Skopje – Petrovec.
M4: Skopje – Miladinovci, Tetovo – Gostivar, Skopje - Tetovo.
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Credit cards are accepted at most filling stations, but cash is the most common form of payment.