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Driving in the Channel Islands.

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Small but perfectly formed.

Hiring a car in the Channel Islands is undoubtedly one of the best ways to explore the tiny winding lanes leading to an array of wonderful attractions and beautiful scenery!

The roads are especially narrow here, so it is advisable to drive with extra caution. It is also likely that you will meet horses, cattle, or cyclists so do drive carefully. Major routes are signposted, however if you do find yourself on some smaller roads, signs are few and far between so planning your route before you set off is essential.

Find out more about Jersey and Guernsey by reading our Channel Islands travel guide. You may also like to view information about destinations in the Channel Islands.

Tips for driving in the Channel Islands

Which side of the road do they drive on?

Drive on the left, overtake on the right. Unless otherwise indicated, vehicles coming from the right have priority at junctions.

Seat belts

If fitted, seat belts must be worn at all times by all occupants of the vehicle.

Driving with children

Children aged 3 to 12 and shorter than 135cms must use the appropriate child restraint. Children aged 14 years and under must sit in the rear of the vehicle and wear a seatbelt. Non-compliance could result in a fine of between £30 and £500.

Blood alcohol limit

The maximum permitted level of alcohol in the blood in England and Wales is 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. First time offenders face a fine of up to £5,000 and/or 6 months’ imprisonment and 12 months suspension.

Can I use a mobile?

It’s illegal to use a mobile unless you have a hands-free kit.


Guernsey: all public parking is free however many areas are disc zones and you must use a "parking clock" to display your arrival and departure times. These can be purchased at Police Stations, some petrol stations, and the Information Bureau. Instructions for use are explained on the parking clock.

Jersey: Jersey operates a "PayCard" system, which generally need to be used Monday – Saturday 08.00hrs – 17.00hrs (inclusive) however in some locations times can vary so check signs accordingly. They can be bought from any shop or garage that displays the parking card symbol.

Single yellow line indicates prohibited parking and parking there will render you liable to a fine.

Jersey’s Green Lanes

Green Lanes are a 50 mile network of roads on Jersey with a 15mph speed limit. Walkers, cyclists, and horse riders have priority on these roads.

Jersey’s traffic lights

Jersey’s traffic lights change from red to green with no amber in between.

Horns and headlights

Sidelights must be used between sunset and sunrise and headlights at night on roads without street lighting and on roads where street lights are more than 185m apart.

Headlights or fog lights must be used when visibility is seriously reduced.

Filter in turn

At some junctions you’ll come across a filter in turn system. At these junctions all directions have equal priority and you must enter the junction in turn with other vehicles.

Reflective vests, triangles and essentials

Although it’s not a legal requirement in the UK or the Channel Islands, we recommend you carry a warning triangle, first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and reflective vest to wear in the event of a breakdown or accident.

What should I do if I breakdown?

If you breakdown, you should call the supplier who will be able to advise you depending on your situation. It is recommended you contact ourselves at the same time to ensure you follow the correct procedure.

What should I do if I have an accident?

If you’re in an accident, you MUST notify the Police and get an accident report for insurance purposes. Failure to do so may result in you footing the whole bill. You must also contact the supplier and ourselves at the same time to ensure you follow the correct procedure.

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Places to hire in Channel Islands

Average customer rating for car hire in Channel Islands

(4.13 out of 5.00) based on 8 responses to our customer survey.

Speed limits

  • Open roads - 56/64 kph / 35/40mph
  • Built up areas - 32/40/48 kph / 20/25/30mph
  • Green Lanes - 24 kph / 15mph

Phone numbers

  • Police - 112/999
  • Fire - 112/999
  • Ambulance - 112/999

Useful phrases

  • Exit - Sortie
  • Filling station - Station service
  • Petrol - Essence
  • Prohibited - Interdite
  • Road Closed - Route Fermee
  • Roadworks - Travaux
  • Slow - Lente


There are plenty of filling stations available on both islands, but most can be found in or close to one of the main towns of Jersey or Guernsey.

Articles about Channel Islands

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