Zest Car Rental

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3 simple steps to join:

  1. Complete the application form below.
  2. We will review your application within 2 working days and contact you via e-mail with your login details if you are successful.
  3. You can then log in to our Affiliate Program Manager and choose from a wide range of banners, quote forms, editorial and links in a variety of sizes to promote the campaign on your website.

Commission structure:

Affiliates can earn between 6% and 10% on the tiered commission structure shown below:

Rentals per month Commission
0-20 6%
21-50 7%
51-100 8%
101-150 9%
151+ 10%

Websites with inappropriate content such as any kind of illegal activity or adult content will not be approved to promote the Zest Car Rental campaign. Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions

Zest Car Rental