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Planning your next adventure is always exciting. Here at Zest Car Rental, we love a good road trip! Not only does hiring a car lets you explore a new area to its fullest, you can pack in as many sights and attractions as you dare. Make the most of frequent stops to stretch your legs and soak up the stunning views along the way. Whilst this all sounds wonderful (of course!) driving long distances can be tiring for all involved. The Zest Team discuss our top tips and best road trip experiences to help you make the most of your epic road trip.

Zest tips to plan your epic road trip Photo by: Photocreo Bednarek/Fotolia

For more road trip planning advice, take a look at our tips for planning a European Road Trip.

Research before you go

Research your destination before you go. Ensure that you take all of the legally required documentation and equipment with you. You will need your driving licence, passport and possibly an International Driving Permit (IDP) too. Driving laws differ from country to country, so swot up before you travel. Check out our handy driving guides to point you in the right direction.

Taking your own car?

You may also need a vehicle registration certificate and car insurance certificate.

Check the vehicle

Check the tyres upon collection. Make sure the tread is safely within the legal limit. Remember, legal tread limits vary from country to country too. Ensure that the tyres don’t appear to have low pressure.

Before you drive off, take a look at:

  • Wiper blades – Are they still in good condition and clearing water away effectively?
  • The oil level – If this runs low at any point throughout your rental period, call the supplier directly for advice.
  • Level of windscreen washer fluid – Ensure that there is plenty of water available before going on a long trip.

If possible, pack a breakdown kit. This should include a first aid kit, torch, blanket, warning triangle, and reflective vest. Some countries legally require this so the supplier will ensure there’s one in the vehicle. It is always better to be on the safe side and carry one though.


Make sure you have adequate travel insurance. Expand your cover to include international breakdown and accidents if required. Through Zest, all of the suppliers include breakdown cover.


SatNavs/GPS devices can be hired from a car rental supplier at an additional cost payable locally on collection. You’ll find more information on Step 1 of the booking process.

Top tip- You may find it cheaper to purchase and take your own Sat Nav. Or simply buy European maps, if possible.

If taking your own GPS/SatNav, run all software updates before you leave the house. This way you’ll be sure to be navigating on the most up-to-date routes. Be wary if you have a built-in radar detector that locates speed cameras- this is illegal in some countries and the function will need to be deactivated.

While driving

In the event of an accident, call the police and your car hire supplier. They will advise you of the next steps and you will need an official police report of the accident. Take any relevant photos of the vehicle or damage as evidence.

If you’re doing the driving, make sure you take breaks. This will stop you from getting tired and relieves any stress you may be developing from the drive.

From the Zest team

Benjamin, Customer Relations Executive

Benjamin de la TourPlanning: I prefer to research before a trip but I take a printed map so it’s not as fixed as SatNav. Risking getting lost means I’m likely to have more adventures! I enjoy driving in general so I’m usually the designated driver.
Necessities: Toothbrush, water, food and sweets.
Company: Friends make the best company but they will get booted out if they plug in an iPod and keep changing the music before the song has finished.
The Route: Country roads with good views make for the best road trips. Darkness and rain ruins it. My road trip to Ireland was brilliant.
Dream Road Trip: Driving across Europe in an old school Mini with Bill Bailey and a boot full of instruments!

Gaynor, Customer Advisor

Gaynor RitchiePlanning: I’ve just done a road trip through the Canadian Rockies. We planned our route by using the internet and used GPS to make sure we didn’t get lost. I’m always a passenger but not out of choice! My husband prefers to drive and says that he wouldn’t trust my driving! How cheeky?!
Necessities: Make sure you have drinks and snacks. If you know that there won’t be many stops, take a picnic. Ensure your mobile phone, or take an in car charger or portable charge pack. Even if it’s meant to be hot, take a jumper or coat just in case you breakdown and the weather changes. Best to be prepared! With children take either a portable DVD player or something to keep them entertained.
Company: I always go with my husband and often my teenage children. A good companion will chat to you and offer to drive. Do not interfere with how the driver is driving. Best to leave them to it!
The Route: The scenery makes the drive special. There’s some amazing sights to be seen in the world. My best road trip has to be the Canadian Rockies. Also the Scottish Highlands are a beautiful drive. I would like to drive Route 66 in the USA and also drive through Italy and Europe.
Dream Road Trip: My perfect road trip would be in an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S driving through Italy and it has to be with my husband. Always wanted an Aston Martin and would like to visit Lake Garda. A drive in my perfect car with the roof down and some quality time with my husband would be perfect.

Sarah, Senior Customer Advisor

Sarah GriffithsPlanning: It’s usually my husband who plans our trips. He spends hours/days/weeks planning, researching and reading reviews! It is normally very well mapped out! We always use a SatNav! I prefer being the passenger as I’m not used to driving that far. A good music playlist definitely helps the travelling time pass by more quickly and makes for a more enjoyable journey.
Essentials: I am normally the one in charge of packing essentials – aside from the obvious, I often pack a picnic in a cool box. A toilet roll is always a handy thing to have (my little girl sometimes gets a random nose bleed) or if you stop at a service station and find there’s no toilet paper left!
Company: We normally just go as a couple, or as a family of 3. A good driving companion is someone who keeps you laughing at upbeat during the trip! My 5-year-old daughter thinks a good driving companion is one who plays ‘I spy’ with her for most of the journey!
The Route: A good drive is one that gets you there as quickly and easily as possible. Excessive traffic and roadworks or road closures that cause big delays can ruin a journey, especially if you have plans in place for when you reach your destination! The best road trip we’ve been on was to the Lake District. The drive was nice and easy and the scenery was beautiful! We are hoping to drive to Disneyland Paris within the next few years.
Dream Road Trip: The perfect road trip would maybe be a nice new Nissan Qashqai vehicle model, somewhere picturesque such as the Lake District or Devon, with my husband, daughter and Sir David Attenborough… I could easily listen to his fascinating stories on a long road trip!

Rory, Managing Director

Rory Sexton
Planning: If I’m driving somewhere for the first time I always look at Google Maps and familiarise myself with the destination, I look at Google Streetview so I can carefully look at the roads in the vicinity of the destination. That way I know exactly where I’m going when I get there and will often know exactly where to park.
Essentials: A map book. Because the satnav doesn’t always work. A bottle of water, and some snacks. In-car charger. Some cash and always coins in case you have to put money in a parking meter.
Company: It’s great to have some company in the car and it helps to pass the time. You can share the driving in case you get tired. Always best to think everything through ahead of time and plan the route and stops to avoid unnecessary tension.
The Route: Traffic ruins a good trip. Nothing worse than sitting in a car in traffic, especially on a Motorway. Motorways are boring. I love the B roads at home in Norfolk. Twists and turns, with great scenery.
Dream Road Trip: Hayley Davidson motorbike, Norfolk coast road in summer, wife on the back!

Plan your epic road trip

What would you dream road trip be? Where would you go, what car would you take, and who would you want to go with? Let us know in the comments! For some inspiration, check out these road trips:

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  • Susan Stevens 5 Oct 2016

    On a road trip now. Sailed to St Malo, to Nantes 1 night ( Def go back), La Rochelle 2 nights (Def go back), Limoges 2 nights (beautiful area around needs more time), Toulouse centre 3 nights (great walking around), Saleilles near Perpignan 1 night (maybe not again yet as being developed and all new) Vinaros, Spain 3 weeks on Costa del Azahar (wonderfully relaxing,great beaches etc) Alhama da Aragon 3 nights at a thermal spa hotel with a large lagoon (stay off motorways and really spectacular scenery to get there) Miranda da Ebro 3 nights at a monastery (historic and good walking nearby) Santander still to come 3 nights by the beach before ferry back to Portsmouth.

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