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Best known for their popular beach resorts, the Canary Islands are often overlooked as adventure destinations. The gorgeous coastlines are no doubt one of the main attractions. Head inland and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover. With their volcanic origins, the Canaries are home to a wealth of natural wonders.

The islands form a collection of exotic playgrounds begging to be explored. Take the opportunity to get a closer look at one of the 4 national parks in the Canary Islands. Let Economy Car Hire help you get up close and personal with volcanoes.

Caldera de Taburiente, La Palma

La Palma is formed of an immense volcanic structure dating back nearly 1 million years. The Caldera de Taburiente is a spectacular crater filled with untamed forest and vegetation. To access the crater, take the road which directs you through a glorious pinewood forest to La Cumbrecita, a small mountain village.

Be sure to make the hike along Taburiente’s main ravine, the Barranco de las Angustias. This takes you deep into the heart of the volcanoes magmatic chamber! Visit waterfalls and the IDAFE monolith, an altar of the ancient indigenous people. Whilst there, uncover the rare violet flowers of La Palma. Set up camp in the crater’s belly and spend the night stargazing!

Las Canadas de Teide, Tenerife

Tenerife is Volcano country and home to Spain’s tallest peak, the Teide, which stands at 3,317 meters above sea level. If you don’t fancy the four hour climb to the top of Teide, simply take the cable car. At 3718 meters tall the views from the peak are spectacular and likely to make even the hardiest explorer weak at the knees!

Driving enthusiasts will be keen to take advantage of the fantastic network of roads. These wind their way through the park and Teide’s main crater. By opting to take to four wheels, you are guaranteed to see the park in all its glory as well as an exhilarating ride! Navigate your way along the road which clings rather precariously to the side of the mountain and stop to catch your breath (or lose it again) at the viewing points along the way.

Timanfaya, Lanzarote

The weird and wonderful volcanic terrain of Lanzarote will make you feel as though you have landed on the moon. Explore the centuries old lava fields and hike along the volcanic routes. See if you can spot the volcanic tubes which turn sea water into steam, making the park look prehistoric.

Be sure to take the guided tour through the lava caves, a spectacular natural phenomenon. Inside you’ll find gorgeous coloured stone formed by solidified molten roofs which trap the light and even a natural auditorium. Keep a look out for the caves surprise! This has managed to remain a secret amongst those who have visited them, despite having been open for 45 years!

Garajonay, La Gomera

On the island of La Gomera you will find one of the world’s most treasured forests. The Garajonay National Park is home to an incredible laurisilva forest. The forest is one of the last remaining subtropical eco-systems in the world.

It is a UNESCO World Heritage site, threaded with carefully routed tracks and trails though the ancient forests. The unusual flora and fauna give the forest an almost enchanted feel. Add to that its history as a site for satanic rituals along with strange natural phenomena such as horizontal rain, you may even think that you’ve entered another realm. Listen out for the ancient whistling language which is still used to communicate across the steep ravines!

So, besides sea, sun and sand the Canary Islands are home to some of the most unusual places in Spain and even more unusual experiences. Immerse yourself in the natural phenomena that make up the Canary Islands for an Island holiday with a difference!

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Written by Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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  • Victor Hardbattle 21 Oct 2014

    Dear Jessica, Thank you for your inspiring articles. Reading them is almost better than being there one’s self! To a less-experienced traveller so much can slip by un-noticed and the highlights overlooked, but not with you as a guide, pointing the way to adventure at all sorts of levels, so that there can be something for everyone to enjoy in the detinstion described.

    Old age and a bit of infirmity, not to mention a pension that seems never to quite catch up with rising costs, might mean a half-term at home now that I am retired from my second career as a music teacher – I hung up my boots (and my classical guitar teacher’s disguise) at the age of 76 so I shall not be travelling this half term but I shall file away your advice for a future occasion – maybe when I win a bit of something on the lottery or my latest book becomes a best seller on Kindle?
    Oh, and a couple of last travel thoughts from my personal past.
    A little story from the Staff Room..

    One of my colleagues in a Primary Schools I visited in my capacity as a Peripatetic Music teacher, was on the Nudist section of a beach in Gran Canaria. She emerged naked from the sea, feeling, she said, a bit like Ursula Andress in that Bond film and was greeted by an unfazed little girl from her class, who seemed to have been waiting for her to emerge from the waves, with the words, “Hello Miss, it’s very warm today, isn’t it? Is that why you are not wearing your swimming costume? Have you met my Mummy and Daddy?…

    Thank you once more, and keep the travel advice coming. Greatly appreciated and highly inspirational,

    Victor (Hardbattle)

    • Jessica Langlands 21 Oct 2014

      Dear Victor,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I am very glad you enjoy reading the articles. We certainly enjoyed hearing your Staff Room story in the office this morning and I’m sure our other readers will be glad you have shared it with us too!
      Best wishes,

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