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As of 6pm on Wednesday 29th June, the majority of UK Border Agency Staff will join the country-wide public sector walk out which is expected to last until midnight on Thursday 30th June.

As a result, thousands of people could face delays whether they are travelling by air, sea or via the channel tunnel.

70% of UK Border Agency staff will take part in the strike which has been organised by four unions in an uproar over the public sector pension reform.

This strike will fall in unison with the 48 hour strike in Greece. Hundreds of schools will also be affected tomorrow which will see child care services struggle under the pressure.

Airlines have advised that passengers should attempt to travel on an alternative day if possible to avoid the disruption.

If you are due to travel in the next few days, our advice is to check the status of your flight or alternative method of transport before you leave home. If your car hire booking is affected as a result, please contact us.

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