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So it’s time for the results of our travel quiz! We know it was a tricky one and in some cases you’ll have had no choice but to guess. The average score was just 40% so if you were around there or higher, VERY well done!

There were some surprising results. Only 10% of you knew the highest mountain in Europe is Mount Elbrus (86% thought it was Mont Blanc) whereas 81% knew in which country you’ll find Machu Pichu (Peru). 78% of you knew the Zambezi River flows over Victoria Falls but only 18% know there are 9 star on the flag of Tuvalu!

25% of you wrongly thought you crossed the River Exe as you head into Cornwall and 69% think London is the largest city in Europe by population – it’s actually Moscow!

The Travel Quiz Results!

So, without further ado, here are the answers to the hardest travel quiz ever devised! (% next to answer indicates how many people chose that answer)

  • Which US mountain range runs from Georgia to Maine?
    1. Rockies
    2. Appalachian 64%
    3. Sierra Nevada
    4. Cascade
  • Which is the highest mountain in Europe? Mont Blanc
    1. Mount Elbrus 10%
    2. Mount Rosa
    3. Mount Shkhara
  • Which US State is known as the “Land of 10,000 lakes”?
    1. Michigan
    2. Minnesota 18%
    3. Wisconsin
    4. Montana
  • Which is the largest lake in Europe?
    1. Lough Neagh
    2. Lake Geneva
    3. Lake Ladoga 12%
    4. Lake Garda
  • Which country has more lakes than the rest of the world combined?
    1. Finland
    2. Norway
    3. USA
    4. Canada 50%
  • On which Caribbean Island are the Blue Mountains to be found?
    1. Trinidad
    2. Jamaica 54%
    3. Aruba
    4. Grenada
  • Which country has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
    1. Italy 53%
    2. China
    3. Japan
    4. France
  • Where did Buddhism originate?
    1. China
    2. Japan
    3. Indian subcontinent 29%
    4. Persia
  • Which countries form Asia’s Golden Triangle?
    1. Myanmar, Thailand, & Vietnam 43%
    2. Bangladesh, Myanmar, & Bhutan
    3. Malaysia, Cambodia, & Vietnam
    4. All of the above
  • Which is the busiest Underground station in London?
    1. Paddington
    2. Oxford Circus 48%
    3. Waterloo
    4. King’s Cross/St Pancras
  • In which country was Che Guevara born?
    1. Cuba
    2. Argentina 34%
    3. Chile
    4. USA
  • In which Chinese city is the Temple of Heaven?
    1. Shanghai
    2. Tianjin
    3. Beijing 47%
    4. Hangzhou
  • The temple complex of Angkor Wat is situated in which country?
    1. Vietnam
    2. Thailand
    3. Cambodia 58%
    4. Laos
  • What is the capital of Namibia
    1. Namibe
    2. Lusaka
    3. Windhoek? 38%
    4. Grootfontein
  • Tokyo has the largest population of any city in the world. How many is it?
    1. 32.1 million
    2. 34.7 million
    3. 36.3 million
    4. 37.8 million
  • Which is the largest city in Europe by population?
    1. Moscow 18%
    2. London 69%
    3. Berlin
    4. Madrid
  • In 2014, France was again the most popular tourist destination in the world. How many visitors did it have?
    1. 68.3 million
    2. 69.5 million
    3. 70.6 million 23%
    4. 71.1 million
  • On which Greek Island would you find Chania and Heraklion?
    1. Crete 83%
    2. Corfu
    3. Kos
    4. Lesvos
  • Which river separates Devon and Cornwall?
    1. Fal
    2. Exe
    3. Tamar 60%
    4. Tor
  • Which river flows through the Italian city of Pisa?
    1. Tevere
    2. Volturno
    3. Reno
    4. Arno 55%
  • On which river would you find Victoria Falls?
    1. White Nile
    2. Mara
    3. Jubba
    4. Zambezi 78%
  • What is the capital of Bhutan?
    1. Guwahati
    2. Rinpung
    3. Jakar
    4. Thimphu 24%
  • What is the approximate summer population of Antarctica?
    1. 500
    2. 1,000
    3. 2,500
    4. 5,000 22%
  • How many stars are on the flag of Tuvalu?
    1. 0
    2. 3
    3. 7
    4. 9 18%
  • In 1872, the world’s first ever National Park was established. Which was it?
    1. Dartmoor 25%
    2. Yellowstone 64%
    3. Teide
    4. Great Barrier Reef
  • How many ceremonial counties (counties with a Lord Lieutenant) are there in England? E.g. Isle of Wight and City of London are included.
    1. 44
    2. 46
    3. 48 19%
    4. 50
  • In which country would you find Machu Pichu?
    1. Ecuador
    2. Chile
    3. Peru 81%
    4. Bolivia
  • How many temples are there in Kyoto prefecture?
    1. 350
    2. 775
    3. 1,600 33%
    4. 2,500
  • Which Scandinavian country has yet to adopt the Euro?
    1. Sweden
    2. Norway
    3. Denmark
    4. Finland 16%
  • Where would you find the stunning rock outcrop Trolltunga?
    1. Finland
    2. Iceland
    3. Norway 37%
    4. Greenland

How did you do?

25-30: You’re a pro! Your travelling days are over!

15-24: Not bad at all. With a bit more experience you’ll be the new Michael Palin.

0-14: Oh dear, improvement is needed!

Let us know your scores below – we’d love to hear how you got on. Also, don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter below and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest travel tips and news.

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