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2017 is here and no-one would blame you if you’re already planning travel for the coming year. For some, a new year brings fresh new opportunities to explore exciting countries you’ve never visited before. For others, there are opportunities to visit much-loved destinations. Whichever camp you fit in, we’ve got you covered. Below we discuss our top three countries that are worth visiting this year. There’s top mobile applications we recommend you download on your phone before you go. We also round up some great gadgets you should consider investing in to make life a little easier while travelling. Get prepared for travel in 2017.

We’d love to hear from you, so let us know in the comments below where you’ll be visiting this year. Tell us what handy apps and equipment you never travel without.

Travel in 2017Photo by: Melpomene/Adobe Stock

Top Destinations to Visit in 2017

We’ve picked our three top destinations for 2017 based on three categories- ‘long haul travel’, ‘close to home’, and ‘traditional favourite’.

Long haul: Canada

This country is perfect for some incredible scenic drives no matter what year you visit. Memorable highlights include of course Niagara Falls, Toronto’s CN Tower, and Banff National Park. Check out our previous east Canadian road trip blog: Montreal and New Brunswick. 2017 sees the whole country erupt in numerous celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Confederation. 19 urban areas across the country will host launch events as the year breaks. Explore Canada’s history through a wide range of events and mediums, including art, music, dance, photography, and much more. National parks, heritage spaces and public areas will be overrun with fascinating displays that people of all ages can benefit from. Make 2017 the year you visit Canada, you won’t regret it.

Close to home: Ireland

Considering it’s such a short distance away, people still often neglect the beauty of our neighbour. From ancient architecture withstanding the changing ages through to secluded coasts and rocky headlands, there’s much to be discovered. Take a drive along the Wild Atlantic Way and take in the dramatic scenery. Other highlights include the Ring of Kerry and Europe’s oldest working lighthouse on Hook Head. There’s also lots of sites to visit in Northern Ireland if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones. Take a walk along Kings Road or visit Winterfell!

Traditional favourite: Spain

A lot of Zest-travellers love Spain and it’s not difficult to understand why. The country has gorgeous beaches and stunning weather to make the most of them. For something a little different, visit Valencia at the right time of year for celebrations. Mid-March is Las Fallas, Festival of Fire. Experience organised pyrotechnic explosions, the burning of effigies, fireworks and live music. In nearby Bunol, La Tomatina Festival hits the streets- the world’s biggest food fight. Lucky ticket holders can grab some tomatoes and let loose. Take full advantage of the diverse architecture and museums on offer. See old and new entwined with modern examples such as Valencia’s Opera House (Palau de les Arts) and Valencia Aquarium (L’Oceanografic) beside romantic examples. Explore as much as you can with a hire car and leave no stone unturned.

Travel in 2017Hire a car to explore your destination. Photo by: wildman/Adobe Stock

Top Travel Apps for 2017

We’ve selected three great apps for your tablet or smartphone that will make travelling a lot smoother. Check them out and be sure to install them on your devices before you start your travel in 2017.


Say goodbye to carrying around bulky guidebooks. This app scans the internet for all different types of content about the destination you’re visiting. It covers aspects such as nightlife, cultural attractions, shopping and places to eat. There’s even a phrasebook to help you fit into your new surroundings. You can avoid data roaming charges or a hunt for elusive Wi-Fi connections by downloading all the content you need direct to the app. This way you can have detailed location information at your fingertips without having to be online. The app is smart enough to take your location into account. It syncs to the current timezone and weather conditions to make recommendations personalised to you. The app comes in handy if your current plans change or you’re at a loose end – check the app to discover attractions and things to do you weren’t aware of.


Connect your email address to this app and it will skim your inbox for any travel confirmations. Picking up on flight and hotel bookings, the app will pull the necessary data into its own itineraries to clearly display the information you need at a quick glance. Should it miss an email, you can just forward it along or add the details yourself. If changes occur to your bookings, you can edit entries online or in the app to keep your schedule up-to-date. If you’re travelling in a group or with family, you can share your account with other users. Then you all know where you’re supposed to be at the correct time.


Reduce the worry of not knowing where you’ll be able to access Wi-Fi. This app scans your local area and displays public networks that you can access. The app keeps the password hidden but still allows you to copy it correctly into your Wi-Fi connection screen on your phone. It doesn’t need a log-in or any personal information. Plus, it’s free!

Travel in 2017Discover more with apps. Photo by: fgnoppor/Adobe Stock

Top Gadgets You Need for Travel in 2017

Power banks – these devices allow you to charge batteries for your mobile phone, tablet or other USB-powered devices. Never worry about running out of battery when you’re on the move with one of these. Different power banks offer differing levels of charge. Some will charge a device once, others a few times. Shop around to make sure you get one that suits your needs. They vary in price from around £20 upwards.

goTenna – this handy little device is perfect for hiking. Simply connect it via Bluetooth to your phone and it will connect will other nearby goTenna’s to create a network for you to send messages. If your phone has no signal, the goTenna will cover you and allow you to send messages to others in your group. They come sold in pairs or sets of four.

Loop travel adapter – these travel adapters provide more than one kind of plug adaptation. There’s also USB ports to charge devices directly and a power bank. Also worth considering are their car chargers and digital scales.

What does travel in 2017 look like for you?

Have you already booked for your first holiday for 2017? Are there exciting new destinations you’re looking forward to venturing to? Share your handy travel tips and plans with us in the comments.

Written by Jessica Juby.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest travel tips and news.

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