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The way we travel is often subject to many things. From popular destinations to impressive tourist attractions, more often than not our holidays and travel plans are influenced by the latest travel trends.

However, trends can go one of two ways! The latest new experience can erupt in the world of travel in a flash, then disappear instantly or evolve into something more influential. Here at Economy Car Hire, we have put together some of the most memorable travels trends and failed fads of the last year.

Failed Fads

Tornado Tourism: Extreme sport or idiocy?

Many of us travel to experience new things. Extreme sports have always been a successful tourist attraction, even more so when they involve exploring natural wonders. From climbing volcanoes to waterfall diving there are numerous ways to experience the natural world.

‘Tornado Tourism’ treads a fine line between extreme sport and a death wish. Tourists looking to try the latest thrill can travel to tornado prone areas in the hope that, with the help of an expert driver, they will get the chance to ‘chase a twister.’ These tours are without doubt dangerous and tourists have been killed in pursuit of cyclones.

What makes this “sport” more controversial is the fact that it glosses over the often tragic cost of these storms. Many innocent people lose their homes and their lives when a Tornado strikes. Safe to say, tornado chasing probably isn’t covered by your travel insurance.

Shack Tourism: Educational or distasteful?

Whilst Tornado Tourism overlooks human tragedy, shack tourism goes one step further. Major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town and Mumbai are known for being home to extensive slums. The emerging ‘Shack Tourism tours’ now offer the chance to take guided tours through these impoverished parts of town. Allowing travellers to satisfy their morbid curiosity.

These tours were originally intended to help bring aid to impoverished parts of the world. They often result in the patronisation and mockery of the residents. Tourists can pose with the residents like animals in a zoo, occasionally throwing some charity their way. Whilst the tours may operate with good intentions in mind, ‘shack tourism’ seems a rather insensitive attempt to find the latest ‘new experience.’

Top Trends

It’s not all bad! Thanks to constant advances in technology and growing virtual communities, the world is becoming increasingly connected. Travel is now cheaper, easier and more readily available than ever before!

Collaborative Consumption: All for one and one for all!

The sharing economy has unarguably changed the way people travel in the last few years. It is a living example of the old adage ‘where there’s a will there’s a way.’ After the economic downturn, the Travel Industry expected to take a big hit. Despite tighter budgets, people still sought to travel and simply looked for alternative ways to save cash whilst they did so.

Thanks to websites such as and, travelling has never been so affordable. allows solo travellers to link up and share hotel costs. Whereas lists a selection of hosts worldwide, who invite you into their homes for that much coveted taste of authentic local cuisine.

The launch of these services combined with the growing virtual community has resulted in a wide range of services and apps. These allow travellers to slash prices and save money on transport, accommodation and food. So you can see the world without breaking the bank.

Social Service: Room service with a Tweet

Even hotels are capitalising on the growing virtual community. Sol Wave House in Magaluf, Mallorca is the first ever social media themed hotel. Upon arrival, guests are given access to an exclusive twitter app only available on the hotel’s Wi-Fi. Using the hashtag #socialwave they can share their holiday experiences, meet other guests and request room service.

Obviously this set up isn’t going to be for everyone. However, the Twitter hotel is set to be the next big thing in Travel and gives the ‘social’ in social media a whole new dimension. Other designated hashtags include #fillmyfridge, #balibed, and #askme700. These respectively request a mini fridge re-fill, allow hotel guests to attract the attention of a particular sun bed occupant, and ask the hotel concierges any question.

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Written by Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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