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A vast proportion of the population has long since pinned a smartphone to their list of prized possessions. I’m not sure what percentage really use it to their advantage when on holiday. I know I don’t utilise mine to the best of its ability. If you’re anything like me, this guide might come in handy. Here are some great ways that top travel apps can help you out on holiday, either by saving you a little bit of money or reducing stress.


If you are travelling to a country where British is not always fluently spoken, or slightly off the beaten track, the language barrier can sometimes create a few hurdles. Particularly if you are trying to negotiate a taxi fare for example. Us Brits aren’t known for our eagerness to learn new languages. Realistically, few of us have the time! A few phrases can really make all the difference. Head over to a website like which offers 7 different apps with free courses to help you master the basics of some European languages in a tick.


Finding a restaurant on holiday can be a bit of a minefield. Having wandered around for ages, more than likely you’ll end up in a tourist hell hole or somewhere ridiculously overpriced. That’s where apps like Urbanspoon, Yelp and Eat Street will really come in handy. Scout out some local restaurants that float your boat in the right price category before you even step out of your hotel. The best part is they are all free and work on iPhone, Blackberry and Android.


Driving abroad is fun and one of the best ways to travel around in a new destination. If you are planning to hit the road on holiday, why not check out before you go. Here you can get yours paws on a selection of free apps for iPhone, Blackberry and Android which will give you access to a variety of helpful tools such as local maps and driving directions.


Finding a toilet in a new place can be an inconvenient task. Amusingly, the toilet paper brand Charmin have an app called Sit or Squat which not only helps you find a local loo but also ranks the best and worse toilets in 10 countries around the world. A tool which could very well come in handy! Unfortunately, this is only available for iPhone owners but it is free.

Currency & Money

Overspending on holiday is easily done and knowing how to convert foreign currencies back into Sterling is essential to help you stay on track. Currencyapp could really help you out though and will help you stay up to date with the exchange rates in over 100 countries. As long as you update the latest rates when you have internet access, you can use it as you please without the need for internet and again it’s available across the board.


If communication with friends and family back home is essential, Skype is the only way to go. Download it for free before you go and get your loved ones to do the same and your good to go and you can communicate for free with Skype to Skype calls. Alternatively, you can preload money onto your account which will allow you to make low-cost calls to mobiles and land lines.

Do you use any apps when you are on holiday and if so, which ones?

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  • Kerri Ware 3 Aug 2012

    Thanks for your comment Parker, glad you liked the blog and the remote access app you mention sounds very helpful!

  • Great blog! Tripit is my go-to app for travel logistics. I love how everything is right there at my fingertips, and as an information aggregator I’ve not found one better for travel. Another favorite travel app right now is this remote access app I picked up through my job at Dish. I use it all the time, actually, both at home and when I travel. It doesn’t matter if I’m in a waiting room or on a two-hour layover in Portland, this saved the day. With it I can watch live or recorded programs off my home receiver anywhere I can get a wifi or 3G connection, so it’s perfect for fighting off boredom during delays.

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