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Driving can be a stressful experience. If you’re driving in an unfamiliar location with new laws, the stress and anxiety can understandably increase. Perhaps it’s been a while since you were in the driving seat of a vehicle. Being stressed out or agitated while driving can sometimes lead to incidents of road rage; rude gestures, physical threats, verbal insults, and further erratic driving. Take into consideration our top tips below to help reduce and deal with incidents of road rage.

Top tips for dealing with road rage while on holidayPhoto by: sanneberg/Adobe Stock

1. Avoid driving at peak times.
Rush hour as people head to or from work will always mean the chance of experiencing road rage is increased. Be aware of this and plan your travel to avoid these times.

2. Avoid the busiest roads.
If you’re driving in an unknown location then this may not be easy to judge. But as with the point above, the busier roads will have a higher chance of exposure to road rage. Take quieter roads if possible to avoid confrontations. It can mean extending your journey time, but the bonus is that you’ll see sights you might not have passed originally.

3. Keep alert.
Be well-rested when you drive and don’t sit behind the wheel if you’re feeling tired or are suffering from exhaustion. Don’t drive for long periods of time without a break. Avoid driving if you’re emotional; either upset or excited. All these will make you feel either more susceptible to becoming irritated by other drivers or your perception of the situation around you while be negatively hampered. By staying alert, you’ll be better able to predict volatile situations and prevent them from occurring. If you notice a driver that could cause you problems, keep your distance from them.

4. Follow the rules of the road.
Don’t put yourself in a position where you could become a victim of road rage. Stay aware of local speed limits and keep to them. Keep your distance from other vehicles to avoid tailgating them. Don’t drive aggressively and don’t drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you make a mistake, gesture apologetically to those you’ve caused inconvenience to and learn from your errors. Be polite to other drivers where you can- give way in appropriate situations and smile.

Top tips to deal with road rage on your holidayPhoto by: AlexanderNovikov/Adobe Stock

5. Don’t react to bad situations; keep calm and carry on.
If you’re on the receiving end of road rage, try your hardest to ignore it and don’t respond. Don’t enter into a conversation with an irate driver, don’t get out of your car, and don’t return any hand gestures. Avoid eye contact if necessary. Listen to soothing music if you need to and take deep breaths to calm down. When you’re away from the situation, consider pulling over until your heartbeat returns to a normal pace.

6. Don’t allow tailgaters.
If someone is tailgating you, simply pull over in a safe location and let them pull past you. Don’t allow them to continue having an adverse effect on your mood and driving abilities.

7. Plan ahead.
Always leave enough time for you to safely make your journey so you’re not rushed. If you’re stressed because you know you have little time, you’re more likely to make mistakes or be susceptible to road rage. If you know you’re driving at peak times or want to ensure you have enough time to make the trip in the face of any delays, leave yourself some breathing room and leave earlier than necessary. Consider hiring a SatNav with your car so that you have a form of navigation no matter what the situation is on the roads. If your original road is closed, the SatNav will help you find an alternative route.

8. Be aware of any local events or national holidays.
Check before you travel of local events, or ask your accommodation hosts of anything that might affect the roads. Events such as festivals and carnivals could lead to road closures, forcing you to take alternative routes. They could also lead to closures of popular attractions. This could add stress to your journey- do your research and make contingency plans if necessary.

Keep road rage to a limit on your holiday

Experiencing road rage, whether you’re the victim or the offender, is unpleasant and can leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Follow our tips above to limit the exposure you have to it so you can enjoy your time out on the road in your hire car.

What other tips would you add to our list? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Jessica Juby.

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