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Pirin National Park

Pirin National Park is found in the Pirin Mountains in Southwest Bulgaria and earned a place on the UNESCO list back in 1983. It covers a huge expanse of 100km² at an altitude of between 3,307ft and 9,560ft and is home to two separate nature reserves.

Forests of pine trees and conifers and vast areas of flora cover the areas at lower altitudes and as you ascend you will discover alpine meadows; a haven for botanic enthusiasts. You will find over 70 glacial lakes hidden among the peaks and troughs of the mountains and other glacial landforms. There are also stunning waterfalls to be awed and caves to be explored which provide a snapshot of natural beauty in its true form.

The entire area is breath taking and there are numerous opportunities to explore the area on treks and hikes. Pirin National Park is worthy of the World Heritage Site status for the wow factor alone.

Ancient City of Nessebar

Discover the Ancient City of Nessebar in Bulgaria which became a UNESCO site in 1983. The site is perched on a rocky peninsular of the Black Sea in the Bourgas province and is almost a whopping 3,000 years old. It was originally a Thracian settlement which is the name for ancient Indo-European people who lived in this area of Europe. It became a Greek colony at the turn of the 6th Century.

There are multiple sites of interest in the city including a Temple of Apollo, the acropolis, an agora plus the Stara Mitropolia Basilica and a fortress which dates to the Middle Ages amongst much more. You will also find numerous well-kept medieval churches plus wooden houses from the 19th century flanking the cobbled streets through the city.

Nessebar is an open air museum showcasing architectural evolution throughout a period of 3,000 years and is simply a fascinating insight into history and a very interesting way to spend some time.

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