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A holiday in Madeira? Perhaps this is something you’ve been considering for a while. On the contrary, maybe you’ve never gave a thought to. Either way, it’s a good idea whatever your age. A Portuguese Island in the centre of the Atlantic Ocean, the floating garden of Madeira delivers volcanic scenery, a stunning coastline, sub-tropical climate and plenty of exciting and interesting things to do. Here’s a pick of the top 10.

  1. Just 5km offshore, the ocean floor drops off dramatically to staggering depths of more than 3,000 metres making it the ideal location for whales and dolphins to frolic. The unique location and warm waters surrounding the island during the summer months lure a large array of these magnificent mammals, thus making it one of the best places possible to embark on a Whale and Dolphin Spotting Safaris and experience an unforgettable encounter.
  2. The mountainous terrain of Madeira may trick you into thinking you can only explore if you’re a well-seasoned hiker. With a Levada Walk this certainly isn’t the case and all ages and fitness levels can revel in their explorations of the island. These old waterways extensively cover the island and now make for excellent walking paths with truly wonderful views.
  3. Nuns Valley is probably one of the best known villages on the island as frequent tours are run here. You can choose to join a tour or make your own way there, either way, it’s certainly worth a visit. Found nestled between sheer mountains, the village was settled by nuns who fled pirates attacking Funchal in 1566. Pay a visit and sample the delicious chestnuts grown here.
  4. Time spent in the capital city of Funchal is of course essential. Spend time at the markets, walking the pretty promenade, satisfy your taste buds at one of the excellent restaurants and get your dose of culture with a visit to some historical attractions.
  5. The surrounding crystal clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean naturally offer boundless Scuba Diving and Snorkelling opportunities. Dive in and meet the rich species of underwater creatures.
  6. For an action packed, adrenaline inducing activity, give Canyoning a go! It will see you abseiling down gorges, through canyons, and jumping, swimming and wading down waterfalls and through natural pools. It’s full on but a lot of fun and you will witness some beautiful sights. For those looking for a more sedate sport why not take a look at our golf guide for the most popular gold courses on the island!
  7. Dotted with quaint and sometimes isolated villages and small towns the extent of the island is worth exploring. Its compact size means it is easily traversed and there are gems to be found in all corners, allowing you to get a further insight into this beautiful island.
  8. Monte toboggan rides are highly favoured by visitors and probably one of Madeira’s most famous attractions! Starting just beneath the steps of Monte Church overlooking Funchal, your ride in the wicker toboggan will wind down 2km of road controlled by two carreiros (men dressed in white wearing a straw hat) who will guide you down the route using their rubber shoes, whilst you enjoy wonderful views of the harbour below!
  9. As a volcanic island, you won’t find golden sand here, but the beaches are still excellent none the less and there are plenty to choose from. Paddle in the warm clear waters uninterrupted in the warm sun!
  10. Dominated by rocky, plunging terrain there are many cable cars and elevators that have been built across the island over the years. Providing easy access to otherwise inaccessible areas and boasting panoramic views across the landscape, a ride in one will be memorable and probably sure to get your heart pounding, in a good way!

With such fabulous year round weather, Madeira could well be the destination you have been searching for.

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  • Agree with Keith Chauncy that a visit to Blandys is a must.
    Also add Cabo Girao for tremedous cliff view and the town of Camacha to the centre of basket weaving. the church there is worth a visit

  • keith Chauncy 8 Sep 2012

    Interesting list of things to do in Madeira, but you didn’t mention the local fortified wine, bearing the name of the island. You can visit the Blandy company in the centre of Funchal & found out about the process, which was discovered by accident by the Royal Navy when transporting the wine across the equator. Well worth a visit.

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