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Here at ECH, we work hard to provide the best travel tips. This week, we’re focusing on tips for travelling alone. Travelling alone can be scary. Once you get into it and you’re out there, you enjoy it! Before you go, it can be terrifying. One secret to making it easier is to remind yourself you’ll be free to do whatever you want. There’ll be nobody saying “I don’t want to do that” or “oooooo let’s go to the sewage works,” when you actually want to visit somewhere much more sensible.

Tips for travelling alone: cage diving Photo by: studio5050/Fotolia

With solo travel becoming cheaper and single supplements slowly dying out, you can use this time alone to do the things you’ve always wanted. Ever wanted to cage dive with great whites in South Africa, hike up Mount Fuji, visit Santa’s Village in Rovaniemi, or snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef? Go for it! Spoiling yourself aside, here are our top tips for solo travellers ….

Get social

Check internet forums or websites before you travel. You’ll find lots of tips and advice from other solo travellers about the areas you’re visiting. Websites such as have plenty of solo travel reports to look through for ideas and support.

Pack light

Tips for travelling alone: pack light! Photo by: Africa Studio/Fotolia

It’s only you travelling, so don’t get carried away. Remember you won’t have anyone to help you carry your luggage. Be sensible and only take the essentials. A small case should be enough for 10 days and will be harder to lose or leave somewhere.

Meet new people

One of the benefits of travelling alone is that you’re forced to speak to locals, meet new people, and get more involved in the local way of life. This is a distinct advantage compared to travelling with someone. Try and be confident and start a conversation with someone. Ask open-ended questions to find out more about the culture and history.  Follow the answers up with more questions.

Eating out

Meal times are usually the most awkward time for solo travellers, but they shouldn’t be. In Japan for example, solo diners often outnumber couples or groups. If you’re planning on a long meal at a restaurant, take a book or kindle to pass the time. Some restaurants even have communal tables where you can meet new people and eat in company.

Lights, camera, action!

Tips for travelling alone: Selfie stick time Photo by: Olaf Speier/Fotolia

Get a selfie stick (I know they mark you out as a tourist but they’re the best way to get you in photos) and master some basic photography skills. Take some panoramic shots, focus on small details, and play around with your colour settings.  You’ll end up with some great pics to show your friends and family upon your return.

Look out for group excursions

In many locations you’ll come across group tours. You can tag along with these if you’re feeling a bit lonely. Even if you’re not, these can be a great way to meet new people and explore the sites at the same time.

Staying safe

The chances of being assaulted or robbed are remote.  Travelling on your own doesn’t make you a target for every thief or murderer out there. However, it doesn’t do any harm to take precautions. For example, don’t flash around expensive jewellery or watches.  Try not to use your guide book in public more than you have to. If asking for directions, mention you’re meeting your friend or other half there. Other than that, just act as you would if you were with someone or on your own at home.

Make sure someone back home has your itinerary. It never hurts to let people know your flight number, hotels you’ll be staying in, and planned routes. This provides a good back up if you have an accident or something else goes wrong.

Have some fun

Embellish the truth!

Always wanted to work for MI6? Simply tell people you can’t really talk about your job but you’re off to an exotic location shortly!


If you, or a friend of friend lives in the area you’re visiting, try and meet up. You may get a free bed for the night. You may even get a free tour of the area. Either way, it’s a win-win. You get to spend some time with someone who knows the area well.

Try and get to know other solo travellers. Creating friendships with travellers is a great way to see more of the world.  They’ll likely offer to show you round their country, if you’re ever in the neighbourhood.

Are you a pro solo traveller?

If so, get in touch with your tips for travelling alone below and we’ll add them to the list. Alternatively, check out our tips for the best travel guides.

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