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Whilst I am sure that you will have read countless blogs describing a fantastic trip to Rome, I hope to make this one a little different. Being a rather organised soul, I thought that I should plan roughly what I wanted to see before my visit. I hope that by sharing the tips that I discovered, you will be able to enjoy a stress-free city break as I did.

Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Read some guide books

Firstly, I bought an up to date guide book. Old skool I know, but coupled with research from a variety of websites, this was truly priceless. Look into a Roma Pass, which costs approximately €30 (May 2012). This will give you free admission to two attractions then reduced entry for a number of others along with three days free use of public transport. Organise transfers both to and from the airport in advance so you get the most from your time in Rome also.

Delving into ancient Rome

Our first port of call was the Roman Forum and the Palatine as the place we were staying; the Kolbe Hotel was just round the back. One important thing to note is that the water from the vast majority of fountains is drinkable, so you can top up a bottle for free at spots dotted throughout the city. I used the Roma Pass at the Roman Forum and the Colosseum, and as an added bonus you can skip the long queue and get straight into the Colosseum. I am glad that I saw this first as otherwise you spend an awful lot of time walking past it and looking at it, thus reducing your desire to actually go in and have a look around.

Eating somewhere more traditional

For a bite to eat, we ventured to the Trastevere area. Amble off the beaten track and you will find plenty of fabulous eateries for a reasonable price. Baroque Trevi FountainI love my food, but the prospect of antipasti, primo, usually consisting of pasta, risotto or soup, then secondo, normally meat, poultry or fish accompanied by contorni, side dishes like salad or potatoes, followed by dolce was rather daunting. If you enjoy a drop of vino, pick from Lazio specialities such as Frascati or Orvieto to name just a couple. Read about some restaurants before your visit and try at least one for a truly special evening. We sampled the fare at Grano, which was marvellous.

Going for an evening wander

Try to include a visit to Pantheon Square during the evening as the hustle and bustle creates an indescribable atmosphere. Wander through the small streets to the Trevi Fountain, a little less busy at night and stop off at San Crispino, tucked away down Via Panetteria and enjoy some of the best gelato in Rome. It goes without saying that wandering to Piazza Navona, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps and Villa Borghese are not to be missed. We did spend some time at Il Vittoriano, certainly worthy of a look. Take the glass lift to the very top for some breath-taking views of the city.

A day in Vatican City

Our last day was spent going to the Vatican. I had read numerous reports of the horrendous queues for the museums, so I looked to find the best way to avoid them! Just book your tickets in advance online, or arrange a tour so you can skip the queue. Vatican gardens The entrance to the museums is a short walk from St Peters Square; head to the right hand side and follow the signposts. I also arranged a tour of the Vatican Gardens, which was amazing. Remember to cover your shoulders and knees if you wish to enter St Peters Basilica. Don’t worry if the wait looks discouraging, the queue moves fairly quickly and it’s definitely worth it.

I absolutely loved Rome, a total cliché I know but I would go back to Italy in a heartbeat. Just a small amount of preparation meant less waiting around and a whole lot more enjoyment; in fact, I would go there again tomorrow!

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  • castelli romani 18 May 2012

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