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A recreational outdoor activity, geocaching is becoming ever more popular. A mystery to some, we explore the idea of geocaching and how you can build it into your next holiday.

What is geocaching?

The concept, original developed in America, is basically hide and seek. Around the world people have hidden containers, “caches” or “geocaches”, ready for others to find them. They contain small trinkets of minimal value, a pen or pencil, and a logbook.

The Zest guide to geocachingPhoto by: Lasse Hendriks/Fotolia

The co-ordinates of the container are posted online and viewers must use GPS or similar tracking system to locate it. They then record their discovery in the logbook. Items from the container can be taken, except the pen/pencil and logbook, but must be replaced with something or similar or higher value, ready for others to find.


What are the benefits?

For starters, it’s about getting outside and being active. Some caches may be in harder to reach locations, some are in easy locations. It’s about challenging yourself, but staying safe! Chances are you’ll also discover new places that you didn’t know existed.

By communicating on online forums you can make friends with people all around the world as you visit new areas and record your findings.

There’s also a sense of excitement. Who knows what will be in the cache you’ll find! It could be the start of a new hobby for you.

What do I need to go geocaching?

You don’t need any fancy equipment- just a device that records your GPS location. This can be a specific GPS device, such as those from Garmin, or your smartphone. There is an ‘official’ geocaching app available on both Apple and Android devices which can be downloaded free of charge from here.

Dress appropriately- wear good shoes if walking long distance or on rocky terrain. Take a waterproof jacket if it’s raining.

Geocaching equipmentPhoto by: robert cicchetti/Fotolia

How can I go geocaching on my holiday?

Being in a new location means even more exciting caches are available for you to discover. Take a look at one of many geocaching websites. Check what’s listed in the area you’re visiting. If you’ve got some time to spare from the hotspots you’d planned to visit, take a walk or drive in your hire car to discover some caches. Bear in mind if you’re travelling abroad that local people are hiding these caches so prepare to add in a level of translation.

Where will your geocaching hunt take you?

Have we convinced you to give geocaching a go? Is it already a hobby of yours? Let us know about some of the more interesting places or caches you’ve discovered along the way in the comments.

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Written by Jessica Juby.

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