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With Easter approaching, many people are starting to think about a last minute getaway. But where are the best places for an Easter holiday? Well, obviously it depends on what sort of holiday you’re after. Here at Economy Car Hire, we’ve put together a selection for all budgets and tastes. If you’re looking for even more inspiration, check out our previous Easter holiday list.


Sun – Lanzarote

For those who seek sun and warm weather in April, there aren’t many places in Europe that can top Lanzarote. Located in the Atlantic off the coast of Morocco, Lanzarote has been a popular choice with Brits for years and it’s easy to see why. There’s a wide range of activities and sights to keep even the most hardened traveller occupied.

Places to visit:

Timanfaya National Park
Timanfaya’s Volcano Park is Lanzarote’s most popular tourist destination. An area of dormant volcanoes and craters, Timanfaya is striking to say the least. Cars are banned so you’ll have to transfer to a coach to get to the summit and restaurant.

Located in the centre of the island, 15th Century Teguise was the original capital of Lanzarote. One of the most popular sights is the Mercadillo. It is held on Sunday mornings when the entire village turns into a grand open air market. Visitors can browse amongst stalls selling everything from artefacts to homemade bread.


Skiing – Avoriaz

Easter is a great time for booking last minute ski deals. We know where the best snow is, the weather is warmer, and conditions are usually fantastic. This year, Avoriaz in France has tons of the white stuff with 290cm on the upper slopes and 170cm at the bottom. Located at the heart of the Portes du Soleil (one of the world’s largest ski areas), Avoriaz offers affordable prices and a massive 650km of pisted runs to discover.

Places to visit:

The Mountain – Get your skis on and hit the pistes. You’re in one of the best ski areas in the world so make the most of it.

If the kids have had enough of the snow, head over to this tropical themed water park. Flumes and water jets will keep the little ones entertained, whilst the adults can relax in the spa and wellness area.

If you want to take in the whole of the Portes du Soleil then your best bet is to take to the skies with a paragliding instructor. The warmer spring weather brings better thermal currents. This means you’ll have a longer flight than if you went in the winter.


Local – UK

Britain is a beautiful place to visit when the weather’s right. Extensive coastlines, moors, islands, rolling fields, the list goes on. Perhaps the biggest problem about a holiday at home is choosing where to go. The South West is the biggest tourist destination but there are plenty of other areas to choose from.

Places to visit:

The Lake District
The UK’s most popular National Park offers such a huge variety of activities and attractions that you’ll struggle to fit half of them in. Besides sailing, climbing, and hiking, there are numerous museums (including the Pencil Museum which is surprisingly good), stately homes, waterfalls, and fishing.

Norfolk Broads
Covering 303 square kilometres, the Broads began life as pits dug for peat to provide fuel during medieval times. As water levels rose over time, the peat diggings became flooded and by the 14th century they were abandoned. If you want to get off the water, head into Norwich and visit the 900 year old Cathedral with its huge Close and stunning cloisters.


Exotic – Morocco

Throughout its history, Morocco has been prized for its location and landscape. With 2 coasts, desert, mountains, and stunning architecture, Morocco is still an extremely popular destination. The economy relies heavily on tourism which is primarily focused on the country’s culture and ancient Roman and Islamic cities.

Places to visit:

Located in the north of the country, Fez is the 3rd largest city in Morocco with a population of around 1 million. Founded in 789, Fez was the capital until 1925 and is perhaps the best preserved old Arab city in the world. Walk around and soak up the sights and atmosphere.

Atlas Mountains
The Atlas range stretches for 1,600 miles across North Africa through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The mountains provide superb trekking opportunities as well as stylish hotels in which to recover.  Tizi N’test and the higher Tizi N’tichka are well known routes through the mountains and offer breath-taking views.


Long Haul – Cuba

Cuba is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination, particularly amongst Brits. Its sandy white beaches, legendary music, rum, fantastic weather, and beautiful scenery all combine to make a dream destination.

Places to visit:

This 8km long ocean drive is probably the most famous road in Cuba. A popular meeting place amongst all Cubans, it has become a busy and important part of Cuban culture. During stormy weather, the road is often closed to cars due to waves breaking over the top of the sea wall. But when the sun’s out, come and take in the scenery.

Comandancia de la Plata
Fidel Castro’s rebel HQ hidden in a cloud forest at the top of a mountain. Comandancia de la Plata was established in 1958 and remains much as it was when Castro left. The main sites are Castro’s house (Casa de Fidel) which incorporates 7 separate escape routes, a museum, and the hospital buildings. The hospital is located some way away so that the patient’s screams wouldn’t give away the camp’s location!


Are You Inspired Yet?

Well there you have it! A selection of what we think are the best holiday destinations for this Easter. Disagree? Then get in touch by leaving a comment below. Alternatively, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and signup to our Newsletter for all the latest information and news.

If you’ve already decided where you’re going, why not get a rental car quote now?

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