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5 things you can only do in Israel

5 Things You Can Only do in Israel.

Contrary to popular belief, Israel is now a thriving holiday destination. A country with thousands of years of history, varied landscapes and totally unique attractions,… Read more

Posted by Gemma 12th August 2013


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7 Top Sights in Spain.

Consistently proving a firm favourite, Spain may well be a popular option among holidaymakers but that doesn’t mean it’s a destination that everyone has been… Read more

Posted by Gemma 8th July 2013


Top things to do in Bosnia

Top Things to Do in Bosnia.

When people think of Bosnia they think of war. That’s probably because the Yugoslav wars are still relatively recent, having taken place during the 1990s.… Read more

Posted by Gemma 29th May 2013


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A Trip to Salt Lake City.

Last year, my sister, brother in law and their children moved to the United States. Unfortunately, they didn’t move anywhere glamorous; not Florida, New York… Read more

Posted by Gemma 8th May 2013