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When you arrive at your destination after a tiring flight, no doubt you’re keen just to make your hire car collection as quick as possible and head off. Ever heard of the phrase short term pain, long term gain? Well that certainly rings true when collecting your hire car.

By spending a few minutes familiarising yourself with the vehicle, you may save yourself a lot of hassle en-route. Read our handy guide to help you on your merry way, hassle-free!

Top 5 Tips for Stress-free hire car collectionPhoto by: LuckyImages/Fotolia

1. Check for any blemishes

We advise you to inspect the vehicle carefully when you arrive. Generally, the car rental provider will note down any pre-existing damage on the hire documentation. However, if you notice any damage which is not detailed, bring it to the attention of the representative right away.

Top tip: Make sure that you also take photographs of the vehicle upon collection and return, including the fuel gauge.

2. Get to know the vehicle

Make sure you’re on first name terms before you drive away. Familiarise yourself with the controls, including the indicators and air-conditioning. At this point, if you’re unsure of how to operate something, inform the representative right away. They will be able to assist you.

Don’t wait until you have driven away to get acquainted with the controls. It can be extremely difficult (and dangerous) to try and focus your attention on finding the air-conditioning button, whilst trying to navigate unfamiliar roads!

3. Do your research!

Don’t wait until you arrive to research local road laws and traffic signs. We have some handy driving guides, as do The AA, which lists the local road laws for each European country. Even if you’re a frequent traveller, it is always worth referring to these helpful guides, as road laws can (and do) change.

4. Check your vehicle before returning

Before returning the vehicle, make sure you check the footwells, glove box and the boot. Ensure that you have not left any personal belongings in the vehicle. This will help to prevent a last minute dash from the terminal to the car hire office to collect any items left in the car.

Top 5 Tips for Stress-free hire car collectionPhoto by: Ruslan Ivantsov/Fotolia

5. Check your documentation

Before travelling, check that your driving licence, passport and credit card are still valid and have not expired. We would advise you to do this at least 2-4 weeks before travelling, to give you time to request replacements/renewals if required.

Heading off on the open road after your hire car collection…

Hopefully, by following the checklist, you will be able to save yourself some valuable time and hassle during your holiday. After all, if you are on your well-earned holiday, the last thing you want to be doing is spending hours trying to decipher unfamiliar road signs!

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Written by Amy Brooks.

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  • Annette 8 Feb 2018

    Could you tell me please do u have to have £1000 euros card before you can hire a car incase of damages c

    • Jessica Juby 12 Feb 2018

      Dear Annette,

      Thank you for your comment. The amount required on a credit card is stated on our website as the “security deposit”. This is highlighted on our quote results page for each vehicle shown as the amount will vary between vehicle category and car rental provider.

      Should you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team on 01362 852288.

      Kind regards,
      Zest Car Rental

  • Also find out if the extra prices are included. For example insurance prices and fuel charging. That will make an essential change in final price.

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