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Everybody has a different image of what they see as an “ideal holiday”. For some, it’s trekking around historic sites or areas of natural beauty; for others, it’s constant sunning on the beach. However, should your holiday consist of a heavy night out (or multiple nights out), it’s important that you consider precautions to stay safe or your ideal holiday could become your worst nightmare. We’ve compiled a list of handy tips to help with staying safe and happy on your nights out abroad.

Tips for staying safe while enjoying the nightlife on holidayPhoto by: Photocreo Bednarek/Adobe Stock

1. Don’t get so excited about the prospect of all your nights out that this is the only thing you focus on while packing. Don’t forget your other travel essentials too like sun cream, appropriate footwear, and any necessary medication. Check out our list of recommended things to do to help you prepare for your holiday.

2. Agree a contingency plan for your night out should anything go wrong. Arrange with your party a meeting place should you get split up.

3. Keep your emergency contacts written on a strip of paper inside your bag or pocket. If you lose your phone, you’ll still be able to contact someone if you need help.

4. Take the business card of the resort or hotel that you’re staying at. Keep this on you to help you should you get lost.

5. Ask your hotel reception if they will hold your room key while you’re out. Then you don’t run the risk of losing it while out and being shut out of your room.

6. If you’ve been separated from your group, avoid walking anywhere alone if possible. If you must, stick to well-lit routes or try to blend in with another group that is heading in the same direction as you.

7. If you must travel somewhere alone, consider taking a taxi. Make sure it’s a registered taxi and is legitimate.

8. It may sound like common sense to most people, but it can be easy to get taken in by a friendly face in a strange place. Don’t accept drinks from strangers or leave yours unattended. Don’t flash your cash in front of strangers or your smart phone. Don’t wear expensive jewellery on a night out. These things will make you a target.

Staying safe while out at night on holidayPhoto by: maria_savenko/Adobe Stock

9. If you’re taking a bag, take a cross-body bag with sturdy straps that can be zippered up. This makes it harder for pickpockets to gain access and potential muggers can’t grab and run.

10. Only consume alcoholic brand names that you’re familiar with. If buying a drink with a brand you don’t recognise, be wary; you can never be quite sure about what’s inside and the quality.

11. Don’t try any physical activities that could be dangerous after a few drinks. Stay away from the sea and swimming pools.

12. Research the area you’re visiting before travelling and learn what common practices are in place among undesirables. Are muggings a problem? Is there a particular type of person that’s targeted? Know before you go to help avoid any conflict.

13. Quite simply, don’t drink so much that your concentration and response levels fall so low that you end up in a dangerous situation. Keep your wits about you; know your limits. Keep an eye on the rest of your group too and don’t be afraid to apply a restrictive hand should you see things going awry.

Staying safe on your holiday doesn’t have to be difficult

Be sensible while out enjoying yourself and follow our top tips to help reduce any risks you may face.

What other tips would you recommend to travellers while they’re out at night? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll update our list with your suggestion.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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