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Many of us are familiar with the temptation to share our experiences immediately with others, usually the easiest way we can- on social media. More and more of us are being drawn to social platforms every day, with Facebook topping 2 billion monthly users back in June this year. While some bemoan it as an addiction, others see the benefit of being able to stay in contact with loved ones wherever you can find an internet connection. In a previous blog, we covered how to stay connected to the internet while travelling. Should you not be able to resist the temptation to post online while you travel, here’s some top tips to reduce the negative impact it might have.

social media tips for travellingPhoto by: Creativa Images/Adobe Stock

Having nothing to say when you get back

If you’re constantly posting about your experiences, all your friends and family will know what you did and won’t have anything to talk to you about when you get home. You won’t have anything new to share. Limit how much you post to ensure you can still share parts of your trip personally.

Avoid oversharing

Consider what you actually want your contacts to know. A drunken night out might result in some snaps you don’t want your family to see. Be sensible about what you share and remember who can see it.

Be sensitive

Stay aware that those reading your posts may not be as fortunate as you to be able to travel. Constant reminders that you’re away while they’re chained to their desk could result in your relationship turning sour.

Tips for sharing on social media while travellingPhoto by: Maridav/Adobe Stock

Post original but great photos

Don’t exert yourself trying to capture that perfect shot; keep it as natural as possible and avoid reposting those cliched photos that we’ve all seen 100 times over from other people. Try to be original. Whatever shots you do take, don’t go to extremes trying to airbrush yourself or manipulating the image. Do however put in a little effort to tidy it up, for example taking out red eyes. It can be worth learning a little about photo editing to make the most of the fantastic shots you do take. Don’t post poorly taken shots that are blurry or have your finger in! Carefully pick the best and only share those. Check out our tips for taking travel photos here.

Don’t forget personal contact

Don’t mistake posting on your social accounts as keeping in touch with family and friends. It’s best to check in with them directly every now and then. This will be appreciated.

#Don’t #hashtag #everything

It’s really not necessary and it clogs up feeds. Look at what hashtags other travellers use and be logical about the ones you include. They haven’t really caught on with Facebook. Stick to using them for Twitter and Instagram.

Sharing on social media while travellingDon’t forget to enjoy your holiday rather than spending all your time attached to your phone. Photo by: Antonioguillem/Adobe Stock

Remember to detach yourself

You might risk becoming completely attached to your screen and ultimately spend your holiday looking through the lens. When in a “wow” moment, take the time to enjoy yourself first before grabbing your phone.

Avoid just using social media to leverage freebies

It can be an easy mindset to fall into; thinking social media is just a platform for you to complain. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Remember that whoever reads your tweets from the company probably doesn’t have anything to do with your situation or your complaint, so don’t assume they can move the earth for you. I manage Zest’s account and can tell you that if you have a complaint, it’s best to take a few breaths and think about what the real problem is you’re experiencing. Are you aiming your complaint to the right place? Are you using appropriate language? Could you have avoided the problem?

Follow travel companies

If you’re using a certain company for an element of your trip, check if they’re present on social media sites for you to connect with. Often you can get handy tips and advice, or discounts and insider information. You’re also more likely to be kept up to date with developments and any cancellations or delays.

Tips for posting on social media while travellingPhoto by: Sergey Nivens/Adobe Stock

Stay protected

When you’re posting, consider who can see your content. Letting people know you’re away from your home can make you the target of burglars- what’s more, if this happens and your insurance company found out you’d made your holiday public knowledge, they might not pay out. As hard as it might be, consider not posting anything about your holiday at all until you’re back home.

Burglars back home are not all you have to be concerned about. Potential thieves in your destination could be watching your public posts to keep an eye on your movements. If you are posting updates, consider posting them after you’ve left a certain location. Certainly, never post anything about your accommodation while you’re still there, or about where you’ll be staying next!

Share your travel experiences

Social media provides some great opportunities for not only keeping in touch with those back home, but also making new connections with people with similar interests who might be travelling near you. Post sensibly following our tips above so posting while travelling doesn’t have a negative impact.

Do you have any other tips for posting on social media while travelling? Let us know in the comments below.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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