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The Central American country of Costa Rica boasts stunning beaches and a glorious tropical climate. Enjoy hot sunny days if you time your trip right. A holiday here won’t end at the beach though. The stunning landscape and fun activities on offer are just too good to ignore, and that’s where your sense of touch comes in. Here are just some of the hands-on activities you can get involved in during a holiday to Costa Rica. These will see you utilise your sense of touch in many different ways.

Rapid rivers

When it comes to water based activities there is no shortage. Whilst traversing the tropical rainforests, you will hear the roar of the rapid rivers as they hurtle down the steep terrain and plunge down waterfalls on their escape towards the sea. The landscape and the sheer number of waterways and rivers here make for excellent river rafting. Take on the power of the water first hand and embark on a race against the river whilst you explore and see otherwise unexplored parts of the rainforest from a different perspective.

Scuba Diving Costa Rica

Scuba diving

Why settle for a visit to an aquarium when you can come face to face with the creatures of the Caribbean Sea instead? Scuba Diving off the shores of Costa Rica will not only allow you to learn a new skill in one the best locations but leave you with a sense of unbeatable amazement.

Jet skiing

Jet Skiing is another fun, water-based, hands-on activity that is easily enjoyed in Costa Rica. It’s a great way to have fun in the waves. Especially if you lack the balance to successfully master surfing. Fire up the engine and enjoy the feeling of the refreshing spray of the sea as it hits your skin.

Canopy Tours

The rainforest is the hub of much entertainment during a holiday here, but it also provides some surprising fun. Several companies offer canopy tours whereby you can explore the rainforest from a height by way of the suspension bridges, platforms and trails. Feel the moisture on your skin and the wind whip through your hair as you enjoy a ride on of the several high-flying zip lines and you travel with speed from tree to tree. This is one hands-on activity that’s guaranteed to get the adrenaline coursing through your body, and plaster a grin on your face.

Sea Turtles

Areas of Costa Rica are renowned for the number of sea turtles which return year after year to hatch their eggs. The Turtle Refuge Experience allows you to get hands on with nature in a way you will have never before experienced. It allows you to count and care for the turtle eggs first hand, plus all proceeds go straight back into the refuge. You will certainly be touched be these tiny baby turtles.

Have you ever been to or planning to go to Costa Rica? What hands-on experiences appeal to you the most?

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  • Brian Farley 12 Jan 2012

    True enough. There is NO SHORTAGE of water based activities. And we’re now exception. For me, surfing and fishin appealed to me the most about Costa Rica. So much so, I moved here and started my own business. Come surf with us!! Pura vida!

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