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Costa Rica is one of Central America’s staple countries. With a tropical climate and lush landscapes, it’s the perfect holiday haven. It doesn’t end there though. A visit to Costa Rica is unforgettable for many reasons. Time spent here will arouse all five of your senses, leaving the memories of your holiday alive and kicking long after you’ve travelled home.

Yesterday we covered sight, so today we are going to cover what Costa Rica has in store for the next sense; sound. The country definitely doesn’t fall quiet.

Rainforest wonders

Spend time in the dense rainforest that blankets the country. Your sense of sound will be easily satisfied. A far cry from the deathly silence of forests here in the UK, huge number of birds, insects and other animals call the Costa Rican rainforests home. They certainly aren’t shy when it comes to making a noise. cute squirrel monkeyThe insects chitter, birds squabble in the trees, tree frogs serenade you and animals howl. Even if you don’t see them all, you are practically guaranteed to hear a great variety of wildlife during your visit. Some examples include Gecko, Hummingbird, Howler Monkey, Parrot, Ocelot, Cicada, White-faced Monkey and Scarlet Macaw. In the evening when the crickets come out to play, you might find the hum too much to handle.

Sample the city buzz

In the capital city San Jose, you can expect the normal city buzz, except with a Central American twist. Car horns beep, parakeets argue as they balance on the electric pole wires. The bustling streets are interspersed with snippets of Spanish as the locals shout to each other.

Costa Rica festivals

Costa Rica is a country that does festivals. It hosts plenty of them across the year. Each month alone sees at least three different celebrations around the country. With festivals comes a myriad of sights, sounds and a buzz of activity. It’s the perfect excuse to soak up some local culture. Many of the festivals feature concerts and musical performances, as well as dance plus more. The general atmosphere will deliver an enjoyable onslaught to your sense of sound for many reasons.

Palmares Fiestas is hosted in January and is undoubtedly the biggest and most anticipated event of the year. High spirits continue on from Christmas and plenty of food, rides, bingo, topes, concerts plus a carnival and more are enjoyed. Santa Cruz fiesta takes place later in the month to honour the Christ of Esquipulas with a parade, concerts and fireworks. Nestled high in the cloud forest town of Monteverde, Monteverde Music Festival is the biggest musical event of the year and showcases a huge array of Costa Rican artists and performers. Events continue throughout the year.

Have you ever been to Costa Rica? What were your favourite sounds?

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