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Smell is a strange sens, because we don’t always acknowledge it consciously. It plays a vital role in so many of our experiences. Your sense of smell, in conjunction with your other senses, is essential in Costa Rica to fully appreciate your time here.

Costa Rica Coffee

Costa Rican coffee

If you ask people what their favourite smell is, a few favourites will repeatedly appear; fresh rain, freshly cut grass, and a fresh cup of coffee! When it comes to food and drink, smell makes up 80% of the taste. The power of your sense of smell and its relationship with coffee is paramount. As one of the largest exported products in the country, coffee plays a vital role to the country’s economy. As such coffee beans are grown in abundance and are regarded as some of the best in the world. Most of the plantations are located in the highlands and valleys. Tours provide an insight into the production process as well as the opportunity to visit the roaster plus of course, coffee tasting! A coffee tour is a must-do cultural experience and will quite simply leave your sense of smell doing somersaults.

San Jose Central Market

Something else that will set your sense of smell sailing will be a visit to the San Jose Central Market. Bustling with people and packed full of food and coffee vendors, flower stalls and scented candles, as well as herbs and spices, the combination of smells will be simply unforgettable.

Orchid and Frog

The great outdoors

The great outdoors is a major aspect of any visit to Costa Rica. The lush rainforest, powerful waterfalls and impressive volcanic terrain have already featured predominantly in our blogs about sight and sound. It comes back into play again with smell. After all, what would a blissful day spent on the beach be without the smell of the ocean air to accompany it? What would a hike through a tropical rainforest be without the humid smelling air, the fresh scent of the foliage and the sweet perfume of orchids? The experience just wouldn’t be the same without these smells to accompany it in the background.

Quite simply your sense of smell in Costa Rica, other than that it will do wonders in completing your trip here; you’ll know what I mean when you visit!

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