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The thought of going through airport security usually elicits a collective grown from all travellers and holiday makers. There’s so much to organise and prepare beforehand that once you get to the airport you simply want to check in, stroll through duty free and head straight for your gate. Alas, for security reasons customs is always going to be a necessity.

In order to help you save time and sail through security we’ve come up with some top tips. Reduce faff and avoid getting flustered by thinking one step ahead…


Make sure any liquids or cosmetics in your hand luggage are pre-packed in a clear re-sealable plastic bag of no more than 20cm x 20cm. This will save you having to dig through your belongings to find them all once you get to bag search. Remember, liquids can be in containers of no more than 100ml and you must be able to close the bag properly.


Clothes, Shoes & Jewellery

It’s always good to plan a comfy outfit to travel in. What’s even better is to don a customs friendly outfit for you journey. Slip on shoes, outfits that don’t require a belt, and wearing few layers could all shave minutes off yours and fellow passengers wait time.

Shoes: It sounds obvious, but consider wearing shoes that are easy to take off and put back on again. Avoid wearing footwear that takes more time than usual to lace or buckle up. If you are wearing lace up shoes, think about untying them as you approach the front of the queue.

Coats and Jumpers: In order for the screening to work efficiently you will be asked to remove any layers. This includes coats and jackets, hats, scarves, and thick jumpers or hoodys. These must be placed in their own tray along with your shoes.

Belts and Accessories: As we’re sure you’re aware, metal prongs and buckles on belts tend to set off the metal detector so therefore must be removed. Similarly items of clothing with metal buttons and large fastenings are best avoided unless you wish to strip right down or face a pat down.

Jewellery: Think about the jewellery you’re wearing too. Take this off and put it in a secure pocket in your bag before it passes through bag check. And don’t forget to empty your pockets! Return loose change to your purse or wallet and put keys in your bag.



Any electronic devices must be removed from your hand luggage and placed in a separate tray. Keep your bag organised by securing your devices in certain pockets. This way they can be easily accessed, removed and replaced with little faffing around.


Gifts and Souvenirs

Leave wrapping these until you get home. If your bag is flagged and selected for manual search, wrapped items will be one of the first things they pick out and you’ll likely be asked to un-wrap them so they can be checked more thoroughly. Check the airline restrictions on items such as lighters. Different airlines have different restrictions regarding the size and style permitted in your hand luggage.

By keeping the contents of your bag neatly organised you can also save time if your bag is selected for further searching. Separate clothing into different sections or clear plastic bags and keep all your important documents together in a particular pocket or folder. That way, not only is it easier for the security attendant to search your belongings its stops them rummaging around and disorganising any previously neat packing.

Keep a canny eye on the security attendant manning each station. Check to see how quickly and efficiently they are getting everyone through. Joining the shortest queue doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the quickest.

Whilst you can’t avoid going through customs and security, you can speed up the process. Simply remember these few things!


For other tips on staying organised and stress free when travelling by plane, check out our flight guides.

If you have any other sneaky tips for sailing through security don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!

Written by Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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  • 1# Remember to CHARGE all your electronic items both ways Out & Back other wise you might have to catch the next flight or lose your phone or pad! as it Has to operate on request of the customs and security,

    2# If you are hiring a car and are taking your own SatNav to check that the software is up to date, for the place that you are visiting. (However I and others have been led a ‘wild goose chase’ in Spain & Greece with roads that the SatNav & latest map tell me it’s there and it’s just hasn’t been finished yet!)

    3# Be very careful if you have purchased a second hand Phone,Tablet/Pad, SatNav to clean it VERY WELL as customs are swabbing them to check for drugs, and if they are detected you might just spend a few more days “relaxing” in pleasant company! than you want to…

  • david cuckson 16 Jan 2015

    Some economy airlines might require you to queue or walk on or near the tarmac.Check the weather forecast. You could get wet!

  • Peter Boyden 16 Jan 2015

    I may have missed it, but a word about anything sharp or that could be mistaken for a weapon must not be placed in hand luggage otherwise it will be taken away.
    I’ve even had a small a small pair of nail clippers taken away, so best to pack scissors, files etc. in checked luggage as you can’t argue with them !!

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