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From ‘Travel Scams to be Aware Off’ to ‘tips for tourists’, we’ve given you some of our helpful hints to stay safe abroad. However, crime rates and feeling vulnerable in a foreign city is the last thing you want to be thinking about when booking a holiday. With plans of soaking up the sun on white sandy beaches, sightseeing or sporting adventure you want to be focussing on the positives not researching the negatives!

So, although what is considered ‘safe’ is somewhat subjective, we at Economy Car Hire have come up with a list of the safest places to travel where you don’t have to worry!

1. Denmark

Denmark is rapidly becoming a favourite destination for British tourists and its popularity continues to grow every year. With a national preference for arts and heritage rather than a rowdy drinking culture, violence and vandalism are alien concepts to the streets of Denmark. Thieves and pickpockets are also strangers to this little country.

Due to an innovative recycling system that reimburses recyclers for their rubbish you are more likely to see homeless people collecting rubbish off the streets rather than begging or stealing. Clean and crime free, what more could you ask for?

2. Switzerland

Like Denmark violent crime is virtually unheard of in Switzerland. A small, affluent nation it has one of the world’s highest personal and property safety records. Combine that with a good healthcare service, efficient public transport and multilingual locals it is no surprise that Brits feel at home here. Traditional customs are also still celebrated widely throughout the country harkening back to a simpler time built on trust.

Proud of their cultural variety and multi-ethnicity the Swiss are not only a united nation but also very welcoming and accommodating. Combine this with chic ski resorts and picture perfect cities, towns and mountain villages and you have yourself a holiday with a fairy tale happy ever after.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand’s stunning natural beauty has made it one of the most coveted holiday destinations. However, the country is popular for reasons beyond the aesthetic.

Possessing a low crime rate, a stable economy, and a complete absence of political unrest and venomous critters, holiday makers need not fear any physical threat or danger. Add to that the island’s relatively small size, accessibility and shared language and you’ve found yourself an ultra-safe holiday hotspot. Even hitchhiking isn’t considered dangerous, and whilst it isn’t advised it is a common and popular way for travellers to get around the island.

4. Australia

With our twin passions for beer and sport it’s only natural that Brits have always felt right at home in Australia! With its warm climate and laidback lifestyle, stable economy and political system, high standard of health and low crime rate (not to mention the fact we share a language) it is no wonder Australia is considered one of the safest destinations for holiday makers!

You pretty much have nothing to fear from your fellow humans down under. However, Australia is home to a few nasty creepy crawlies but if you know what to look out for they are easily avoided and not a threat.

5. Italy

Italy has been a perennial favourite for years. Its miles of beaches are a popular choice for family holidays and the sights of Rome, Venice and Florence provide the perfect backdrop for romantic breaks. In the rustic countryside and coastal towns you are unlikely to come across anything more unsavoury then a melting gelato.

Whilst in Italy’s big cities (like all big cities) it’s always good to be on your guard, the hospitable and outspoken locals are unlikely to let you pass by ignorant of any potential threats. In fact you’re likely to be offered advice without even asking for it!

If you have already fallen in love with one of these tourist friendly destinations or have some more suggestions then leave us a comment below!

Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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