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Travelling abroad can come with a whole host of worries, but hiring a car doesn’t have to be one of them. We’ve covered a wide range of car hire related topics, right from explaining the different fuel policies, to the different collection procedures. We’ve covered why you need a credit card to collect your car, and produced a Complete Guide to Car Hire, ready for your summer rentals. Below we cover our top recommendations on how to protect your hire car from the attention of thieves.

1. Don’t leave valuables in the car.

We know this is common sense, but often our minds slip and we can forget the satnav resting in its holder, or the laptop case laying on the back seat. Be vigilant about checking the contents of your car and what’s on display before you walk away from it. Anything that’s financially or sentimentally of value should be left securely in your accommodation or carried with you. If you must leave something in the car, ensure it’s well-hidden. Don’t just hide valuables in a bag or under a jacket, make sure they’re completely out of view under the seat and doesn’t leave a potential thief wondering “What if there’s something under there?”

2. Leave the glove compartment open.

This will show potential thieves that there’s nothing of value hidden in there. You’re sure to have passed lorries parked up for the night in laybys with their doors open. This is for the same reason. If thieves are aware there’s nothing of value in your car, they won’t cause damage to the vehicle itself trying to force their way inside. Should a car get broken into, usually the glove compartment is the first place they check.

3. Check for broken glass.

When looking for a parking space, especially in a public car park or multi-storey car park, look for broken glass on the ground. This is often a tell-tale sign that a previous break-in has taken place here. Avoid parking where there’s broken glass.

Protect rental car from thievesPhoto by: Gina Sanders/Adobe Stock

4. Blend in.

If your rental car comes with stickers identifying the supplier on it, please don’t remove these. We appreciate that they’re a tell-tale sign you’re a tourist, but suppliers will charge for these to be replaced.

Keep any maps or travel/tourist guides out of plain sight. Consider also placing a local paper in the vehicle on display.

5. Research.

Before you travel, check out popular traveller’s forums, such as TripAdvisor, and check for common thief tactics for your destination. If there’s a trend to spot then familiarise yourself with it so you can decrease your chances of becoming a target. If the area you’re visiting for example, is known for attempted theft while you’re paused at a traffic light, ensure you drive vigilantly with the doors locked.

Protecting your rental car from thieves

Following these tips should help reduce your risk of being a target for thieves. However, we do offer an additional top-up insurance product that can be taken out upon booking (terms apply). You should also make sure you have an effective travel insurance policy that will reimburse you should you suffer any loss because of theft.

What other tips would you recommend to fellow travellers? Let us know in the comments below.

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