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When visiting a new city on holiday, it’s exciting but always a busy and sometimes stressful affair. There’s so much to see and do but you also have to navigate unfamiliar streets and so much activity, which can get tiring. At this point, a bit of rest and relaxation is usually more than welcome and where better to catch your breath than in a beautiful city park. An oasis in a sea of bustling blur, city parks are a haven for residents and holidaymakers alike. Here are 7 great city parks.

    1. Central Park, New York

Easily one of the great city parks in the world, Central Park naturally tops the list. Opened in the mid 1800’s and made famous in all manner of films, TV shows and literature ever since, the park has long been a focal point of this iconic city. Spanning 843 acres you could easily forget where you were if it wasn’t for the top of the New York City skyscrapers ever presently peeking over trees. Walk, run, picnic, roller skate, play baseball or tennis, use the skating rinks, go swimming, visit the zoo…. The list is endless! Complete your visit to the romantically picturesque park with a memorable horse drawn carriage ride along the winding paths.

    1. Parc Guell, Barcelona

Featuring among the extensive work of Antoni Gaudi found across the city of Barcelona, Parc Guell is a garden complex that features on the UNESCO World Heritage list. A combination of architecture and nature, this park is rather unlike any other you are likely to have visited. Colourful, ceramic mosaics adorn walls, steps and benches like a kind of fantasy land and the main terrace is perfect for people watching.

    1. St James’ Park, London

Flanked by three royal palaces on each side; Buckingham Palace, St James’ Palace and Westminster, St James’ Park could be considered rather grand and is the oldest of London’s parks. The large expanse of green lawns is more than welcoming however, particularly on a rare sunny day in London. Roll out a picnic blanket and relax with sandwiches and other yummy treats or visit Inn the Park for something heartier. Take a stroll and spot the ducks, geese and pelicans in the lake.

    1. Stanley Park, Vancouver

Taking the title as Canada’s primary park, we have Stanley Park in Vancouver. A vast expanse of green which then meets with the sea, it really is the best place to relax in the city. Stroll around the lawns under the shade of huge trees, take a walk along the sea wall, keep your eyes peeled for the abundant wildlife that lives here and partake in the many leisure activities on offer.

    1. Parco Savello, Rome

More evidence that good things come in small packages, Parco Savello in Rome is not to be missed. Known by the locals as Orange Garden, it offers fantastic views across the city from the terrace. If you are visiting during summer, you may even catch a theatre performance beneath the trees.

Ueno Park, Tokyo

    1. Ueno Park, Tokyo

A much sought after source of relaxation in the hubbub that is the sprawling city of Tokyo, this wonderfully landscaped park is worthy of a spot on this list. Built on the site of a former temple, there are many shrines here as well as the city zoo, the National Science Museum, the Tokyo National Museum and the Museum of Western Art.

    1. Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon

Covering an area of more than 2,400 acres, Monsanto Forest Park in Portugal’s capital city Lisbon is epitome of a park for nature lovers. Trees cover the vast proportion of the park and the views of the city itself are second to none. Escape the stress of the city and get back to basics with a visit here.

This is just a selection of great city parks on offer in various cities around the world. What is your favourite city park and what suggestions would you add to the list?

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