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Post 6/9 in our Spain series

The Catalan community is renowned for a number of reasons. Its distinct history and cultural heritage which is semi- independent from the rest of Spain, its unique regional dialect which has become a language in its own right, its excellent cuisine and last, but by no means least, it is the birth place of Cava! It should come as no surprise then that this particularly independent area of Spain would put its own unique twist on the popular tourist activity of wine tasting and Economy Car Hire are here to tell you all about it!

The first bottle of Cava was produced in Catalonia nearly 150 years ago and since then the sparkling white wine has gained international notoriety. Whilst winery and vineyard tours are common throughout Catalonia there is one with an exciting difference. In an old farm house in the Penedes region, just an hour’s drive from Barcelona, two young wine makers-come- entrepreneurs have revolutionised wine tasting with their unique opportunity to make your own Cava!

This unforgettable day trip starts with your typical tour of the sun-drenched vineyards and visit to the ancient wine cellars. Your tour guide will give you an explanation and brief history of the production process. Visitors will then get to taste the different varieties of Cava blends that the winery produces, followed by a delicious lunch of traditional rustic Catalan food. While the wine tasting is usually the highlight of your average wine tour, things only get more fun in Catalonia. After lunch visitors will begin the process of selecting, blending and bottling their own personal bottle of Cava complete with a unique self-designed label.

Make your own!

Select your favourite blend of grapes from the range previously tried during the wine tasting session to create a signature flavour which combines the textures, scents, colours and flavours that best reflect your personality. Then, attempt to decant your carefully chosen blend by mastering the tricky process of disgorgement. If you’re not quite as talented at filling the bottle as you are emptying it, of which I’m sure we’ve all had some practice, there will be professionals on hand to make sure most of it ends up in the bottle and not on the floor! Whilst your bottles are taken to be corked, design your own label to add the finishing touches to a unique souvenir that is bound to impress your family and friends at home.

Cava connoisseur

If you haven’t had your fill of the fizzy stuff by the end of the day visitors can extend their stay to tour neighbouring vineyards and wineries the following day. This is also a great opportunity to spend some time exploring the nearby villages and sample the fantastic local fare. Alternatively, why not head out on a tour of the Xampanyerias dotted around Barcelona and put your newfound knowledge of the sparkling wine to the test! These traditional cava bars are as quintessential to the spirit of the Catalan capital as the Segrada Familia and are the perfect place to truly experience the bustling atmosphere of Catalans at play- if you can find a space! Order a selection of your favourite tapas dishes to enjoy alongside your glass of fizz before heading out on the town.

For more ideas on what to do in Barcelona check out our guides on the city’s best attractions. Or, if you’ve made your own Cava or got more suggestions on unusual things to do in Spain make sure you leave us a comment- we’d love to hear all about it!

Jessica Langlands from Economy Car Hire

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