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It’s that time of year again. The schools have broken up and a long summer is stretching ahead of us. Sometimes it can be hard to think of fun things to do with your children during their time off, so we’ve been thinking. We found that it is very easy to spend a lot of money entertaining the children and that free things to do can be harder to think of, or less attractive.

Hopefully, Economy Car Hire can give you some inspiration to have a fun filled summer, which doesn’t cost a fortune.

At Home


  • There are lots of things you can do from the confines of your own home. You don’t have to go out to have a good time, just be a little resourceful and there are plenty of fun activities on offer. As well as having fun, the summer holidays are also a good time to teach your children new skills. For example, why not try some cooking or baking. If there is the prospect of delicious food at the end of something, it is hard not to enjoy it.
  • If the weather isn’t great and you are forced to spend more time indoors than you wished, take some time to play some board games. The modern day is becoming increasingly dominated by digital devices and it can sometimes be refreshing to take a step back from the technology. Not only are board games fun, but they encourage social interactions and strategic thinking.

In the garden

  • If the weather’s nice and you can’t leave the house, make the most of garden. With a bit of creative thinking and resourcefulness you can make a challenging obstacle course. Whether it is vaulting over tree stumps, or crawling under chairs, there is lots of fun to be had here. Make it more interesting by adding a time trial challenge.
  • Another idea that can be done in the garden or indoors is a treasure hunt. There are two equally fun roles that need to be filled here. Either you can spend time making a challenging hunt, with cryptic clues and a highly decorative treasure map, or you can have the excitement of solving it.

Out and about

  • Leaving the house doesn’t mean that you have to part with lots of money. There are plenty of exciting free things to do outdoors that will keep you and your children entertained. If you have a smart phone, then you will more than likely have access to a GPS function. If you had fun doing your own treasure hunt around the house and garden then why not try Geocaching? The App is available to download on both Android and iOS, and there are probably lots of fun things to find nearby.
  • If the weather isn’t perfect, don’t let that put you off venturing outside, use it to your advantage. On a windy day make some time to fly a kite. It can be challenging to do well, but it is continually rewarding and is something that can be repeated without boredom setting in.
  • Do some research on places to visit, there are lots of free museums that can make for a great day trip. Alternatively, if there are no free museums near you, go for a walk, have a go at fishing, or if you are near the coast, try your hand at crabbing.
  • Another fun activity is picking your own fruit. There are lots of PYO farms dotted around the country, and it can be really exciting. Strawberries are in season from June – September, alongside other fruits such as raspberries, blackcurrants and cherries.

Any comments?

If you have any other ideas about things that could be added to our guide, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Also, if you have tried any of our suggestions, please let us know how they went.

If you are going on holiday this summer, why not read our tips on air travel with children, or any of our other great travel advice articles.

We hope you have a great summer!

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