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If you’re anything like me, you look forward to your annual holiday the whole year round. A little escape from reality, no matter how long it lasts, is welcomed with open arms. With so much to remember however, the start of your trip can get your blood pumping and it can be difficult to get your trip off on the right foot. That’s why I have compiled some pointers for a stress free start to your holiday…

Prepare in advance

Preparation is essential when it comes to tackling the airport. Something that is often left until the last minute is airport parking. Make this holiday a little less stressful and arrange airport parking a couple of months before you are due to depart. It’s one less thing to worry about and it will no doubt save you money also.

The next thing to tackle is transportation for your arrival at the other end. Not only will you find it much more expensive, it will also be a lot more stressful if you leave it until your land in your destination. Book car hire in advance so you can get the best deal, but also so you can go through all of the information relating to the car hire agreement without jet lag or a busy airport to contend with.

It’s also worth planning your holiday itinerary in advance, especially if you are off on a city break with a list of must-sees as long as your arm. Whilst this will help you feel less stressed, do be sure to leave some room for spontaneous outings and adventures too.

A few days before

In the countdown to your holiday, be sure to tie up any loose ends at work so you can enjoy your time away without work hanging over your head. Make a list of anything that might come up in your absence, organise and deal with your emails and voicemails and don’t forget to set your out of office alert!

It’s fairly common knowledge that you can check in online these days but there are still a large proportion of people who don’t. This can take a huge amount of pressure off your time at the airport by knowing you are already safely checked in. You can skip the queues and all you have to do when you arrive is drop off your bags and head through security at the airport. You can usually do this up to 24 hours in advance and sometimes much longer, with easyJet offering check in from 30 days before your flight. Check with your airline for their policy regarding online check in.

Don’t make packing your suitcase a mad rush on the morning you are due to fly. Pack like a pro and start packing a few days before you a due to fly, adding things as you remember them.

On the day of departure

You will have already packed the essential items a few days before, but don’t rest of your laurels. Be mindful of packing restrictions for your hand luggage. Limit the number of liquids you take with you as they will have to fit within one small plastic bag when you go through security. If you’ve got loads, you can get stressed when you realise you have to throw half of them away. Also, remember the usual tips such as food and drink restrictions as well as the usual prohibited items. If you are taking hold luggage, then use your hand luggage to carry items that you’ll need on your person and on the plane only.

We are all savvy enough to wear comfortable clothes on the day of travel but take it one step further and really give it some thought. Remember to wear slip on shoes for example, limit the amount of jewellery you wear or opt for none and all and don’t wear a belt for a streamlined and stress free trip through security.

Hopefully these tips will help you enjoy a stress free start to your holiday! What tips can you add?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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