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This is post 2/9 in our Malta series. Why not read them now?

Gozo is a small speck on the map, just south of Sicily is Malta’s little sibling. The island is around a third of the size of Malta but has significantly lower population density. This makes it a haven for travellers seeking a picturesque and relaxed environment. Although Gozo is a great place to relax, there are some great things to see and do here. Therefore, this is Economy Car Hire’s guide to driving around Gozo.

Spend some time in Victoria

If you’re visiting Gozo, it’s likely that you are going to go to Victoria at some stage. Therefore, the largest city on the island is the perfect place for us to start and finish our itinerary. Before you leave Victoria, be sure to explore the 15th century Gran Castello (Citadel). It was built by knights as a defence from invading forces and is perfect for a morning’s visit. Due to its strategic position on the top of a hill in the centre of Gozo, it has great views out over the whole island. If religious architecture is your thing then be sure to have a look round the cathedral in the citadel before you leave.

Discover the beauty of Dwerja Point

.Just a short 10 minute drive to the west of Victoria is Dwejra Point. Here you will find a dramatic rocky coastline. It also hosts one of the most dramatic land forms on Gozo, The Azure Window. This massive arch stretches out into the ocean and makes an impressive spectacle for new visitors. It is also ever popular for diving.

Close to The Window are another 2 popular geographical features. Firstly explore The Inland Sea, a seawater lagoon, which is great for swimming and diving. The lagoon is connected to the sea by a small tunnel that you can swim through. Be careful though because there is a dramatic increase in depth as you exit the tunnel. Within view of both The Azure Window and The Inland Sea is Fungus Rock. This rock is actually a limestone island situated in the middle of the bay. It got its name because of the Maltese fungus (actually a flower) which can be found growing on it.

Unearth the history behind Xaghra

As you leave Dwejra Point, we head back past Victoria to Xaghra. Only about 20 minutes away, and 5 minutes past Xaghra, the drive is very pleasant and there are many photo opportunities along the way. Our main reason for bringing you to this coast is to visit Calypso’s Cave.

If classical literature is your thing then you will already know that the name comes from Homer’s poem The Odyssey. The cave is thought to be where Calypso kept Odysseus imprisoned for 7 years and many believe Gozo to be the setting for the poem. Calypso promises immortality to Odysseus if he stays, but this was not enough to stop him escaping back to his wife. The cave’s past gives it a magical feel, and it’s definitely worth a visit for anyone interested in history.

Relax in Mgarr

Our final stop before heading back to Victoria is on the south-eastern coast of the island. Mgarr is where the ferry from Malta arrives and is a great place to soak up the relaxed atmosphere. There are great walks around the harbour and some fantastic seafood restaurants dotted around. It’s easy to spend a whole afternoon here, sitting at the top of the hill gazing over the blue waters towards Malta. On arrival back in Victoria make sure you stroll through the streets to Independence Square and visit the market to pick up a bargain.

This brings an end to our whistle stop tour of Gozo. If you have been inspired to try this road trip, remember that even if you have hired a car in Malta, all of the suppliers that we work with allow you to travel between the two islands. This means that even if you are staying in Malta, you can rent a car and give this trip a go on your holiday.

We hope that you enjoyed our road trip around Gozo. You will also find alternative ideas for day trips and driving routes if you read more of our blogs about Malta.

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