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If you don’t really know too much about Estonia then we wouldn’t blame you. It’s often overlooked on the well-travelled holiday radar. It really shouldn’t be though! The wonderfully compact country of Estonia in Eastern Europe has it all. With charming villages and seaside towns, intriguing historic castles and wondrous countryside you’ll be hard-pressed not to be impressed during a visit here. It doesn’t stop there though. Almost half of Estonia is covered with forests and woodland meaning that there is opportunity aplenty for wildlife watching.

The wildlife that calls the Estonian countryside home is brilliantly diverse. There are plenty of resident species that you would be hard pressed to find without travelling further afield. There are numerous nature reserves and natural parks littered across the country dedicated to prolonging the life of these creatures.

What kind of animals will I see?

First and foremost; the Flying Squirrel. This creature is undoubtedly the pride of Estonian forests and can only be found within two European countries, Estonia and Finland. The Flying Squirrel is slightly smaller than a regular Grey Squirrel and unlike others it is a nocturnal creature. Thanks to the folds of skin on its hind legs and forelegs, the flying squirrel can jump up to 35 metres from tree to tree. This would certainly be impressive to witness!

Other animals which frequent the woodland include 500-600 Bears, over 150 Wolves, 700-800 Lynxes and over 20,000 Beavers as well as Elks and Racoon Dogs amongst plenty more.

When it comes to birds, the richness of bird species in Estonia prevails. Bird watching here is certainly appealing. Up to eight species of woodpeckers can be found here. It is more than likely that you could see six of those during just one trip. The number of owl species here is also exciting with large numbers of tengmal’s, ural’s and pygmy owls. There is also a strong population of breeding wild fowls.

Best ways to animal spot

With such a variety of animals living amongst the trees, there are many wildlife watching tours to choose from which vary in length depending on how long you wish to escape into the wilderness. Whilst sightings are of course never guaranteed, the tour guides are experienced. They will know the best places to go which will dramatically improve your chances of a sighting. Various Natural Parks will feature on the itinerary and plenty of time will be spent at specific purpose built hides. With the guide’s knowledge, you will be able to track the animals and have fun deciphering the footprints and animal tracks you find along the way.

If you are looking for an escape that will offer plenty of binocular action without having to travel to the likes of Africa for a safari, Estonia with its many gems and diverse wildlife may well be the place.

Have you been Mammal Watching in Estonia or ever travelled here for your holiday? What did you think? If not, are you tempted to go? Share your thoughts.


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