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We’re approaching that time of year when college is already a distant memory and university applications have been submitted- but will you be taking a year out? For many, this is the ideal time to see as much of the world as you can squeeze in before heading to university or the workplace- it might be a month or two, it could be a whole year if you’re lucky! Check out our top tips below before planning your gap year travel.

Top tips for gap year travelPhoto by: Maridav/Adobe Stock

Prepare in advance of your travels but plan to be flexible.

Research attractions and activities for your intended destination so you get a good idea of how you’re going to spend your time. You don’t want to arrive and be completely clueless about what’s available or what’s going on. When doing your research, we recommend making a list of things you want to see or do that you would kick yourself for if you forgot- then make sure these are ticked off by the time you leave!

Consider planning either/or activities too in case you have to be flexible due to short notice cancellations or weather interruptions- it pays off to have a contingency plan!

On the flipside of planning your activities however, don’t plan your schedule too strictly- there’s bound to be things that crop up unexpectedly that you’ll want to squeeze in. You should take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves as this could be a once in a lifetime trip for you. Take your time to give you the best chance of enjoying yourself.

One of the most important things that research is vital for, is your accommodation. Although it can be tempting to skimp a couple of quid and rough it, don’t compromise your safety. Research the places you’re looking to stay thoroughly, especially checking for reviews from other guests. One of the best items you could consider buying if you’ll be staying in your own room is a doorstop. Use it on the inside of the door while you’re sleeping inside to reduce the chance of somebody getting in without difficulty. Some even come fitted with alarms so you’ll know for sure when someone’s trying to gain entry.

Top tips for gap year travel- research accommodationBe sure to research your accommodation before booking! Photo by: full_frame/Adobe Stock

Make sure you check whether you need a visa for the country you’re visiting and triple check that your passport will be valid for you to travel; allowing enough time in advance to arrange either of these if necessary.

Pack sensibly.

Don’t overload your bags with unnecessary items. Consider the activities you might do and the predicted weather. Be sure to consider taking advantage of any washing facilities while you’re travelling to reduce the number of items you need to pack. Check out our packing tip list.

Take necessary precautions but don’t let worry hold you back.

We wrote a previous blog about travelling alone which contains some great tips for travelling safely. Many of them can be applied to your gap year travel.

While this is a great opportunity for you to make some friends with similar interests, don’t be fooled by the face that smiles too often. Be wary of locals or other travellers that seem too friendly- they could be luring you into a false sense of security so keep your wits about you.

Consider carrying a dummy wallet or purse with you if you are travelling to an area known for criminal activity. Keep a few expired credit or debit cards inside with cash of small denominations. Anyone who demands this from you won’t hang around to check the contents so will take it and leave. Handing over something is better than arguing that you don’t have anything. Keep your real wallet more securely concealed.

Top tips for gap year travelKeep your belongings safely secured while out. Photo by: Jacob Lund/Adobe Stock

Avoid making unnecessary displays of wealth. Keep any expensive cameras secured safely around your neck so they can’t easily be snatched. Any jewellery should be left at home rather than travelling with you. If the thought of being without your iPad makes you queasy, consider buying a budget tablet that you won’t miss too much if it does get stolen. Take a cheap smartphone and buy a local pay as you go SIM card to avoid running up any unwanted charges for using your contract phone abroad. Make sure you have adequate travel insurance that covers all tech you’re taking with you.

Keep savvy on social media.

Sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have become almost integral to our lives. There’s not many of us who can claim to not have a presence on these sites. The urge to constantly update our friends and family (and often just that random person we met on a night out once) with insights into what we’re doing. Be cautious about what you post when you’re on social media when travelling however. Letting people know you’re away from your home can make you the target of burglars- what’s more, if this happens and your insurance company found out you’d made your holiday public knowledge, they might not pay out. As hard as it might be, consider not posting anything about your holiday at all until you’re back home.

Top tips for gap year travelPhoto by: Antoniogiullem/Adobe Stock

Burglars back home are not all you have to be concerned about. Potential thieves in your destination could be watching your public posts to keep an eye on your movements. If you are posting updates, consider posting them after you’ve left a certain location. Certainly, never post anything about your accommodation while you’re still there, or about where you’ll be staying next!

Record the memories you make.

Take plenty of photos to help record the experiences you have. Technology these days allows you to easily upload photos to the cloud so you never have to worry about running out of storage space on your smart phone.

Even if you’re not one for writing, you may want to consider writing a travel journal each day so you have a written record of how your travels transpired.

Supporting your travels.

Make sure you budget yourself while travelling- don’t blow your cash within the first few trips and be penniless for the rest of your travels. Know your means and stick to them. Consider schemes such as WWOOFing and Workaway which will help you find work while away- places will provide you with food and accommodation in return.

Relax and have a good time!

You might only get one opportunity to make this trip so make sure you enjoy every second as much as possible. Prepare and plan your gap year travel as much in advance as you can, taking into consideration our top tips mentioned. If you’ve got your trip already planned, let us know in the comments below which attractions you’re most looking forward to visiting.

Written by Jessica Juby.

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