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Chocolate. One of the most popular foods in the world, and one of the oldest. The earliest evidence of chocolate consumption dates back to 1900BC in Mexico and Guatamala and was eaten and drunk by the Aztecs and Mayan people.

It wasn’t, however, until the beginning of the 16th century that European’s were introduced to the wonders of chocolate. Columbus took cacoa beans back to Spain and it slowly took off after Cortes realised their potential, spreading throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Fortunes were made, the slave trade thrived, and the church even claimed that chocolate drinks were allowed during religious fasting!

These days chocolate is strongly associated with Europe thanks, in particular, to the efforts of Belgian and Swiss chocolatiers. Lindt & Sprugli may be the most famous name these days but there are many other producers, both commercial and artisan who produce chocolate to rival or better the finest Lindt creations – except maybe their chocolate orange.

So here is one of the definitive European tours. Covering all things chocolate, from factories to shops and stunning villages and scenery, this tour will have you exploring the best Europe has to offer.

The Chocolate Route

Lauden, Yorkshire, UK

We’re going to start our tour close to home. Located in Leeds, Lauden are a relatively new company started in 2007 by a Singaporean chocolatier, Sun and her husband Stephen. Known for their striking patterns and colours, Lauden produce truly amazing chocolates and the passion fruit square is a must try. They now supply chocolates to British Airways and are one of the most exciting chocolate producers in the country.

Whilst here…

Leeds is a great place to start any tour of Yorkshire. If it’s the great outdoors you’re after, you may choose between the Dales or the moors. Alternatively head down to the Peak District for a different experience altogether.

Ingleborough , Yorkshire Dales Photo by: Andrew Ward/Fotolia

City wise, head to York and its fabulous Minster. Climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views over the city and surrounding countryside.

Also try

Booja-Booja, Brooke, Norfolk

Valrhona, Hermitage, France

One of the best know French brands, Valrhona was founded in 1922 and also runs the École du Grand Chocolat, a professional cookery school which focuses on chocolate-based dishes and pastries.

Valrhona’s primary use is in professional cookery as couverture, its extra cocoa butter and high chocolate content make it really easy to cook with and it produces fantastic chocolate dishes with great depth.

Whilst here…

Valrhona is located in the town of Tain-l’Hermitage in the heart of an excellent wine region – the Côtes du Rhône. Situated on the banks of the Rhône River west of Grenoble, there is much to see and do here. Tour the vineyards and sample some fabulous wines at any of 45 caves. If you’re here for the Salon des Vins in February you may purchase a tasting glass and sample wine from over 80 vendors.

Tain L'Hermitage Photo by:

Also try

Johann Dubois, Saint-Brieuc, Brittany

Amedei, Pontedera, Italy

Founded in 1990, Amedei is considered one of the best artisan chocolate houses in the world. Reassuringly expensive, Amedei’s piece d’ resistance is the Porcelana bar. Made from rare Venezuelan Porcelana cocoa beans (there are only enough to produce 3,000kg of chocolate a year), the Porcelana is smooth and rich without being overpowering and a definite must try.

Whilst here…

Visitors are spoilt for choice around Pontedera. Do you head west to Pisa or east to Florence? Why not do both? Take in Pisa’s magnificent cathedral and famous Tower before heading to Florence’s Il Duomo di Firenze and Ponte Vecchio.

Il Duomo di Firenze Photo by: andrima/Fotolia

Alternatively, head into the hills of Tuscany in search of wines and gorgeous scenery or make your way to the coast and the beaches of Elba.

Also try

Antica Dolceria Bonajuto, Modica, Sicily

Favarger, Geneva, Switzerland

The oldest producer in Switzerland. The Favarger family have been making fantastic chocolate since 1826 and have turned it into an art form. Guided tours are available for groups of 10 or more and it is well worth the effort of finding a few extra bodies.

Whilst here…

Either explore Geneva or head out into the French Alps. Drive down the E25 to Chamonix and Mont Blanc or make your way to the medieval village of La Clusaz or lakeside Annecy. If you stay in Geneva, make sure you visit the Palace of Nations and the Jet d’Eau before tourinf some of the city’s best museums and galleries.

Lake Geneva Photo by: fischers/Fotolia

Also try

Lindt & Sprüngli, Zurich, Switzerland

Pierre Marcolini, Brussels, Belgium

Since 1995 Pierre Marcolini has been producing fantastic chocolates from his stylish premises in Place du Grand Sablon. Whether personally sourcing the best cocoa beans from around the world or creating chocolate and macaroon masterpieces, Pierre’s talents shine through in everything he does. Make sure you try his Earl Grey ganache when you stock up!

Whilst here…

Once you’ve bought enough chocolate, head out to explore Brussels and you’ll find there’s more to see in this city than just the Manneken Pis.

Grand Place, Brussels Photo by: Mihai-Bogdan Lazar/Fotolia
Start at the Grand Place with its wonderful Gothic Hôtel de Ville. Cafes and bars are expensive here but the view and ambience are worth the expense just once. From Grand Place, head on over to The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, only given cathedral status in 1962 it’s one of the most striking buildings in the city. If you want to relax in the sun then make your way to the Parc du Cinquantenaire and stroll past the ponds and manicured gardens.

Also try

Nihoul, Brussels, Belgium

Calling all chocoholics!

Have you tried any of these chocolates? Do you think there are better ones? If so, get in touch below, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Alternatively, have a flick through some of our other food blogs for inspirational recipes.

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