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So the paper counterpart has been scrapped. This should in fact make hiring a car abroad easier. 

If hiring in the UK, Ireland or the Channel Islands, you will need to generate the DVLA code and take any documents listed in the Rental Conditions.

If however you are hiring a car anywhere else, the car rental providers that we work with have all confirmed they’ll only need the photocard driving licence or old style paper licence upon collection of the vehicle.

To be on the safe side, we are recommending you take the following:

  • Current paper counterpart with you as a backup.
  • A print out from View Your Driving Licence.
  • Unique code from the DVLA website (valid for 21 days).

If you have these, you shouldn’t experience any difficulties as you will have all the information needed.

If you’re hiring a car in the UK, Ireland or the Channel Islands you WILL have to have these documents. Just remember, all you’ll need to obtain your DVLA code is your driving licence number, your National Insurance number and the postcode on your driving licence.

What’s Happening?

From June 8th 2015, the UK paper counterpart driving licence will be scrapped and no longer issued by the DVLA.

The DVLA’s decision to scrap the paper counterpart has led to a free online View Your Driving Licence service being launched.  This enables you to view your driving licence and record online. This includes the types of vehicle you can drive and any endorsements (penalty points) you may have.

Which Licences are Affected?

If you have a modern photocard and paper counterpart, you should destroy the paper counterpart. Any endorsements will be applied electronically and accessed via the View Your Driving Licence service.

If you have an old style paper licence issued before 1998, DO NOT destroy it. The changes do not apply to the old licence although endorsements will still be stored electronically.

NB Driving Licences issued by DVA in Northern Ireland will not be affected.

What it Means For Car Hire

If you’re hiring a car abroad after June 8th 2015, you’ll simply have to provide your photocard licence upon collection of the vehicle. In this instance, we recommend you follow the instructions below.

If you’re hiring a car in the UK, Ireland or the Channel Islands after June 8th 2015, you’ll have to provide your photocard licence, generated code, and printout upon collection of the vehicle. In this instance, you MUST follow the instructions below.

Before you collect your car, you should log onto Share Driving Licence online to generate a code for the hire company. They can then use this code to access your details and view endorsement details or confirm that the licence is correct and you’re using a valid licence. They will then provide you with the car. This code is valid for 21 days & can only be used once. The DVLA has confirmed drivers who experience problems with the code can get a new one at any time after the system comes into force. Drivers can request up to five codes every 24 hours.

Alternatively, the hire car supplier may continue to use the DVLA’s Car Hire Driver Check service on 09061 393837. However, this requires you to first phone the Customer Enquiries Group on 0300 790 6801 and give them permission to discuss your record with the car hire firm.

Why Is It Happening?

As with the end of the paper Tax Disc, this is part of the Government’s Red Tape Challenge initiative to move more services online in order to save £8 million. This was created to overhaul road transport legislation and expand online services. The aim is to make life easier for millions of motorists, road users, and businesses.

It is also part of the DVLA’s Strategic Plan to make their services simpler.

How Can Companies Check My Details?

If an employer, insurance company or car hire company need to access your details, there are two new digital enquiry services available for them.

  1. Share Driving Licence – Provides an online alternative for those who currently have a business need to check the information displayed on the driving licence counterpart. Share Driving Licence will be a free, 24/7 service.
  2. Access to Driver Data – Provides real-time driving licence data to businesses.  Access will be subject to users agreeing contractual terms.  Connection and enquiry costs are currently under consideration.

These new services are for those who have a business need for real-time access to the information, and who don’t wish to call the DVLA.

Any driving licence information provided via these services will only be made available to those who have a right to see it, and with the prior consent of the licence holder.

If you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact Economy Car Hire or the DVLA and we’ll do our best to answer them.

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  • Hi, we are travelling to Portugal on the 2nd June, will we be affected as the holiday spans the proposed date of the 8th?

    • Mark Gallagher 12 May 2015

      Hi Jennie,

      As you’re travelling before the changes are made you should be absolutely fine. It may be worth visiting the My Driving Licence site nearer the time to see if there’s new information and getting a code just in case. If any customers are going to be affected, we will be in touch with them nearer their departure date.

      I hope you have a great trip.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • Ruby Ccotterill 10 May 2015

    What if an Australian visitor is hiring a car in the UK and does not have a UK licence.

    • Mark Gallagher 11 May 2015

      Hi Ruby,

      If you don’t have a UK driving licence then there’s no need to worry. These changes only affect licences issued in the UK by the DVLA. You’d need to check the suppliers Terms & Conditions as some require you to have an International Driver’s Permit. Make sure you have your full Australian licence and any supporting paperwork and you’ll be fine. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • S.REDFORD 6 May 2015


    • Mark Gallagher 7 May 2015

      Hi Stephen,

      The old style paper licence should be absolutely fine. As you’re travelling in August we’ll have more information on the changes have affected customers. We will also be in contact with customers if they’re using suppliers who decide further down the line that they will need the code.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • Sue Bryan 6 May 2015

    I have an old style paper licence only – no photo card. Am I going to have a problem with overseas rental companies recognising this?

    • Mark Gallagher 6 May 2015

      Hi Sue,

      This shouldn’t be a problem as the old paper licence is still legally valid and not affected by the changes. We recommend that people update to the new licence but appreciate not everyone wants to do this.

      Kind regards,
      Economy Car Hire

  • Stef nash 5 May 2015

    Well done economy Car Hire,for telling it how it really is..we first read this story on the BBC website,a completely different version.

  • Peter Boyden 5 May 2015

    Please will you publish in due course, a list of countries where your suppliers only require the plastic licence card or provide a service where I can phone you to check before booking.

    • Mark Gallagher 5 May 2015

      Hi Peter,

      Please feel free to contact us on 01362 852299 at any time. We are still waiting for some suppliers to get back to us with regards to their intentions on this but we’re not expecting any issues.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • Vic Rodriguez 5 May 2015

    In the 8 years since I switched to a photocard licence, I’ve only ever ben asked for my paper counterpart on one occasion (in Italy). I’ve hired cars all over Europe in that time, so I don’t anticpiate any issues.

  • Ken Wright 5 May 2015

    Thanks for keeping us updated would not have known anything about it if it had not been for Economy Car hire, luckily pick mine up June 3rd.

  • Ray Lloyd 5 May 2015

    Logged on to view my licence but ‘Share my Licence’ box was nowhere to be seen; just a blank hole in the page!

    • Mark Gallagher 5 May 2015

      Hi Ray,

      Thanks for the comment. The “Share My Licence” box is currently in Beta testing and will go live shortly before June 8th so don’t worry just yet!

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • It strikes me as strange that the UK offices of car hire companies will want this code whereas their offices abroad probably wont. Is this a case of yet more British red tape to navigate?

  • Nigel Hiscock 28 Apr 2015

    Thanks for this, Mark.

    But the advice in your blog for hiring abroad states that the hirer should generate a code before leaving, yet the code is only good for 72 hours.

    What happens if the car is hired after the code expires? Does my original question still stand, or has the situation changed?

    • Mark Gallagher 28 Apr 2015

      We’re recommending people generate the code wherever possible just to be on the safe side. This should be done no more than 48 hours before arriving (be careful if you’re going to Australia etc.). If the code is needed and it’s expired you would be unable to collect the car. You would need to request a new code and give that to the car hire company. Assuming you were unable to get internet access and needed the code, you would have to call the DVLA’s helpline or a friend in the UK who could generate the code and give it to you over the phone.

      A lot of what’s been reported is circumstantial at the moment, the car hire companies we work with in Europe have told us they’re not interested in the paper counterpart or the code and are happy for you to just have the photocard licence. If this changes, we will inform customers here, via social media, and email.

  • Nigel Hiscock 28 Apr 2015

    How do you get your code abroad if you have no smartphone and there is no internet access?

    • Mark Gallagher 28 Apr 2015

      Dear Mr Hiscock,

      The changes are currently only applicable to car hire suppliers in the UK e.g. if you booked a car at Heathrow. The suppliers we work with abroad are happy to accept just the photocard and do not need to see the endorsements, therefore the removal of the paper counterpart will have no effect in the majority of cases. The national press have blown this out of proportion and have not contacted car hire companies to get the full facts.

      If it was required, the DVLA operates a phone line that the rental company could call to confirm the relevant information. This is a premium rate number but would give the same information.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • Brian Johnston 28 Apr 2015

    It is still not clear if people with paper licenses need to get a code?
    I know the paper license is still valid.
    Rang DVLA on 03007906801 who said I did not need a code.

    • Mark Gallagher 28 Apr 2015

      Dear Mr Johnston,

      Thanks for your comments. The old style paper licences are not affected by these changes. However, you should still be able to get a print out of any endorsements via View My Driving Licence if needed. The initial responses from suppliers are that they’re not concerned with the code, they will be happy to accept just the Photo Driving Licence card. We would of course recommend you take as much information as possible when you travel.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • Jason Hicks 28 Apr 2015

    Dear Mark,

    Thank you for contacting us about this issue and for your advice.

  • Carol Stagg 27 Apr 2015

    This is total madness. It does not reduce red tape at least not for the customer who now has to go online to try and generate this code, and if they have to hire more than one car during a holiday they would need to do it again! Most of the world does not have WIFI. Or even easily obtained Internet access. All I can see is chaos. I have never had a problem using my paper license.

  • Json Hicks 27 Apr 2015

    I think it is just more stress on anyone wanting to hire a car abroad and is going to make prices go up and its just another hidden government tax. Costs the average man more money and hassle. And not everyone as internet access so readily.Not impresses expecially as I have not even been made aware of theses changes and i have booked car hire for when the change occurs.

    • Mark Gallagher 28 Apr 2015

      Hi Mr Hicks,

      We agree that communication regarding this change has been poor. It’s estimated that only 45% of people are aware of the scrapping plan. I’ve looked at your booking and see you’re due to pick up your hire car the day after the change comes into effect.

      We are recommending customers continue to take their paper counterpart as well as printing a copy off from the View My Licence resource and requesting the code. This way you shouldn’t experience problems, but in the unlikely event you do, please get in touch with us immediately.

      Kind regards,

      Economy Car Hire

  • David Cross 27 Apr 2015

    Long overdue. Most other countries have had plastic cards only for some time. They are easier to carry and can carry more data.

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