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Do you switch your phone off during a flight? Recent research by has thrown up some worrying results when it comes to flying and phones; more than half of UK fliers admit that they don’t switch their phone off on a plane! Despite the many warnings issued, it seems the majority of travellers either simply forget or seem to think that they know better.

More than half of those asked admitted that they don’t switch their phone off during take-off, whilst around 49% don’t bother to switch into flight mode. Moreover, a staggering 78% have admitted they switch their phone back on as soon as they land!

Despite travelling at thousands of feet above the ground, 6% have admitted to trying to make a call, 10% tried to send a text and 17% have tried to connect to the internet in the air.

So it seems that despite the warnings, many of us just can’t cope without access to our mobile phones. With planes still managing to fly, the debate as to whether phone signals really can interfere with airplane apparatus rages on.

My question to you is, what do you do with your phone when you are travelling? Does it worry you that so many people ignore the warnings?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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