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One of the best things about travelling is discovering new food, new sights and attractions, and having new experiences. Sometimes, there’s even the added bonus of discovering an animal in the wild that you’ve not seen before. Sure, not everyone will have the same response, but some tourists will absolutely fall in love with the animals below that our staff have nominated as the cutest animals you can find in the wild. Check out some of the cutest animals around the world to look out for.

Cute animals around the world: koalaQuokka. Photo by: Jana Schonknecht/Adobe Stock

Quokka, found in Australia

Shaun’s favourite. Known as “the world’s happiest animal” because it always appears to be smiling, you can find some fantastic photos of these creatures on the web. It’s thought they were first discovered by settlers and assumed to be rats, giving to the name Rottnest Island (rat’s nest), the only land animal to be found there. These marsupials are similar to wallabies and females have a pouch in their front for babies to sit in. They can only be found in the south-west of Australia, predominantly on Rottnest Island.

Cute animals around the world: koalaKoala. Photo by: 169169/Adobe Stock

Koala, found in Australia

Rory’s favourite. Another choice from Australia is this tree-dwelling marsupial. Their main form of food are eucalyptus leaves, and can pick the best tasting leaves using their excellent sense of smell. They’re found in the forests of eastern Australia. Many sanctuaries have been established for koalas as their population and habitats are threatened.

Cute animals around the world: tasmanian devilTasmanian devil. Photo by: sasimoto/Adobe Stock

Tasmanian devil, found in Australia

Tom’s favourite. Perhaps a questionable addition to our list, this is also another Australian creature, but now only found on the island state of Tasmania. Similar in size to a small dog, the devil is speedy, and can climb trees and swim rivers.

Why not try?
These road trips in Australia along the southwest coast, or the Great Ocean Road. We also talk about some of the best islands you should visit.

Cute animals around the world: cats in DubrovnikWild cats in Dubrovnik. Photo by: Dalius/Adobe Stock

Wild cats, found in Dubrovnik

Amy’s favourite. Most of these cats in the Old Town are generally well looked after by tourists and the local community. They are in their droves. Although most are friendly and safe to pet, be wary of any that look unwell, or have sores and open wounds. Be sure to wash your hands after petting any stray animal.

Why not try?
We put together a recommended road trip through Croatia which includes some of the stunning national parks and Game of Thrones filming locations.

Cute animals around the world: flying squirrelFlying squirrel. Photo by: Tony Campbell/Adobe Stock

The flying squirrel, found in North America

Ian’s favourite. Both the northern flying squirrel and southern flying squirrel are native to North America. Grey-brown in colour, these mammals don’t actually fly. A special membrane between their front and back legs allow them to glide distances of over 150 feet. It’s this membrane that has inspired the equipment used by base jumpers. Spot the southern flying squirrel throughout the east of the U.S, from Maine to Florida, and Minnesota to Texas. The northern squirrel can be found in the northeast and the west coast.

Cute animals around the world: raccoon

Raccoon, North America

My favourite. With its distinctive face and markings, one of lesser known features of the raccoon is its intelligence. Scientific research has proven that their memory of solutions to tasks can last up to three years. At the start of winter, a raccoon can weigh twice as much as in the spring due to fat storage (I often have the same problem). Their feet are super sensitive and its believed that raccoons are colour blind. How could you not have a fondness for Disney’s Meeko from Pocahontas, or the Guardians of the Galaxy’s Rocket Raccoon?

Your favourite animals around the world

What’s your favourite cute animal that you’ve sighted on your travels? Have you ever seen any of the animals above in the wild? Let us know in the comments below or on one of our social channels.

Be sure to book your hire car wherever you’re travelling to increase your chances of being able to get out into the wild to spot these animals!

Written by Jessica Juby.

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