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	Comments on: Car rental security deposits explained	</title>
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		By: Katherine		</title>

		<pubDate>Mon, 02 Sep 2024 15:13:27 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.zestcarrental.com/blog/?p=23417#comment-1502483</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[In reply to &lt;a href=&quot;https://www.zestcarrental.com/blog/car-hire-security-deposits-explained/#comment-1502480&quot;&gt;mary&lt;/a&gt;.

Hi Mary,
Thanks for reaching out!
Whether or not the deposit is held in your account or deposited entirely depends on the provider and the rental itself, so unfortunately there is not a clear cut answer we can give. We would recommend reaching out to the car rental provider and enquiring directly if you&#039;re trying to avoid international transaction fees. 
Alternatively, you can give us a call to explore your options of car rental providers that do not require a security deposit. 
If you would like any more help, please let us know! 
Kind regards,
Zest Car Rental]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In reply to <a href="https://www.zestcarrental.com/blog/car-hire-security-deposits-explained/#comment-1502480">mary</a>.</p>
<p>Hi Mary,<br />
Thanks for reaching out!<br />
Whether or not the deposit is held in your account or deposited entirely depends on the provider and the rental itself, so unfortunately there is not a clear cut answer we can give. We would recommend reaching out to the car rental provider and enquiring directly if you&#8217;re trying to avoid international transaction fees.<br />
Alternatively, you can give us a call to explore your options of car rental providers that do not require a security deposit.<br />
If you would like any more help, please let us know!<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Katherine<br />
Zest Car Rental</p>
		By: mary		</title>

		<pubDate>Sat, 31 Aug 2024 18:52:32 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.zestcarrental.com/blog/?p=23417#comment-1502480</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Most car hire companies seem to state &quot;authorise a security deposit&quot; missing the &#039;pre&#039;. Does that leave it unclear as to whether they will actually debit the cash from the account ? we pay charges on our credit card for foreign currency which can amount to a lot.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Most car hire companies seem to state &#8220;authorise a security deposit&#8221; missing the &#8216;pre&#8217;. Does that leave it unclear as to whether they will actually debit the cash from the account ? we pay charges on our credit card for foreign currency which can amount to a lot.</p>