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If you’re looking for a book about travelling, then there’s no shortage. Few however can capture and portray the real desire to leave your current life behind and go somewhere different. Few can move us enough to actually get up and act. We list five books that inspire travel. By the time you’re finished with those on this list, you’ll be bursting to jump in your hire car and explore!

The best books that inspire travelPhoto by: olly/Fotolia

On The Road, Jack Kerouac

You’ve no doubt heard of this timeless travel novel, either in novel or film form. The book is obviously better as you can pull the emotion straight off the pages.

We follow Sal, the main character, as he travels West from New York. We see how the situations and people he encounters on his travels make him a stronger and better person.

This book is sure to encourage your dream of the open road and inspire road trips.

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

True wanderlust comes across as shepherd Santiago dreams of seeing the pyramids of Giza. No doubt a similar desire felt by many of us so it’s easy to empathise.

The simple but moving tale is both inspirational and philosophical. A story about following your dreams, the goal of reaching Egypt can be interchanged with our own desires.

You’ll find yourself motivated to travel!

The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway

This novel covers a variety of locations from France to Spain so be warned of adding more than one place to your travel to-do list!

Tackling the subject of Americans abroad post World War I the journey involved shows travel through all its moods. From chaotic to thrilling, to peaceful.

This book is a must-read.

The Beach, Alex Garland

This is not necessarily the first novel that will pop into your head when you think “travel inspiration”.

The sinister ending aside, the book portrays backpackers and their search for paradise. Reading through you’ll be able to identify with Richard’s mission to get out and do something different. This book is a real page turner that portrays the spirit of exploration.

Will it inspire you to discover quiet beaches in Thailand?

Into The Wild, John Krakauer

This non-fiction novel is based on the disappearance of Christopher McCandless.

Getting rid of his money and possession, McCandless heads out into the wild for a different life. His unwavering dedication to developing his new life in the Alaskan wilderness is both awe-inspiring and heart-breaking.

Although sympathetic to the spirit that inspired this drastic decision, it has received strong criticism. See what you think.

Where will your reading take you?Photo by: janinadysk/Fotolia

Your books that inspire travel

What books do you have on your bookshelf that inspire you to travel? Have any of the above got your travel juices flowing? Let us know in the comments!

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Written by Jessica Juby.

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