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You’re ready for your skiing holiday. You’ve packed all the right equipment and read up on the beginner’s tips. There’s nothing left to do except enjoy your skiing holiday! But wait…there’s skiing etiquette enforced on the slopes don’t you know? Sure, some of it is common sense but we can all use a reminder sometimes and you’ll make many more friends on the slopes if you follow our guide to skiing etiquette.

So, let’s get started.

1. Be mindful of your poles

Excited skier throwing her ski poles around - skiing etiquette
Remember to keep your poles to yourself on the slopes!

Have you ever had someone ram into your ankle with a shopping trolley? I thought so. You’ll likely be in agreement that it hurts, a lot, and you will probably get a bit annoyed at the culprit. The same thing happens when you get whacked in the shin with a ski pole or worse, poked in the eye. Wherever you happen to be in your ski resort, be mindful of your ski poles. Keep them close to your sides to limit the likelihood of tripping someone over or attacking an unsuspecting passer-by.

2. If you fall, get out of the way!

You’ll be sharing skiing space with countless others, so if you fall, there’s a fair chance that another skier won’t be too far behind you. If you aren’t badly injured, it would work to your advantage to get out of the way as quickly as you can to try to prevent an unsuspecting skier behind you from ploughing into you. The same applies if you have to stop for any reason; just step to the edge of the run and ensure you can be seen from above.

3. No queue jumping

Us Brits are known the world over for our politeness and inclination to queue. Sometimes though, you can get impatient and the temptation to queue jump can rear its ugly head! Don’t do it though. The evil stares and possible confrontations aren’t worth the few minutes you’ll save in the queue for lunch, the ski lift line or even the ticket line.

4. Don’t be a litter bug

It’s a great idea to take snacks with you when you’ve got a full day of skiing planned. What’s not such a great idea though? Throwing your rubbish on the floor! Half of the fun of skiing is being on a snow covered mountain; why would you want to ruin it? Just zip your rubbish in your pockets and dispose of it back at your accommodation. Simples!

5. Take a trail map with you

Fold it up and keep a trail map in your pocket, whether you are a complete beginner or just skiing at a resort you haven’t visited before. Try to get familiar with the layout of the tracks so you don’t get lost! If the worst comes to the worst though, you could always ask a fellow skier; our useful phrases guide may come in handy.

6. Pay attention to signs and warnings

Signs and warnings are there for a reason so take note and heed the advice given. You should also stay out of closed trails or restricted areas!

7. Always give yourself plenty of room

As a beginner, you’ll likely be making some unpredictable and erratic moves, but then so will others around you; particularly other starter skiers and young children. Proceed with a wide berth and you should be fine!

8. There is a science to the lift

You might think the ski lift isn’t anything to worry about and that’s true but there are rules you need to follow. For example, don’t wait for your friends or family who you got separated from where the lift loads! If this happens, step to the side and let others pass instead of holding everyone up but better yet, wait for them before joining the queue in the first place. When it is your turn, move forward quickly; you don’t want to leave a chair empty. When you’re sitting down, don’t bring the safety bar down without warning other people first!

9. Stick to the right

When you’re skiing, always try to stick to the right of the track! Everyone will be skiing at different speeds and whilst it may be fun to zig-zag down the entire run, it isn’t very fun to everyone else around you.

10. Be aware of what is going on around you

A ski resort is a busy, bustling place yet somehow, many people just don’t pay attention to what is going on around them. Just the same as driving a car, you need to be aware both of what you are doing as well as others and keep your eyes peeled for any possible obstructions which may occur ahead of you.

Plan your skiing holiday

So, these 10 tips complete our beginner’s guide to ski etiquette. Abide by these recommendations and you should be set for a fantastic skiing holiday without upsetting or hurting anyone else around you!

Do you have any tips for ski etiquette that we have forgotten to include?

Get a quote for car hire during your ski trip now.

Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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