From the 1st April 2019 everyone who intends to drive in Europe will be required to mount a new badge to the back of their car, whether rented or private.
The new “Automobile Registered for Sovereign Europe” badge is part of a European initiative to speed up border transitions for people driving between neighbouring European countries and will be required to be mounted visibly to the rear of all cars driven in Europe.
This new initiative is aiming to speed up border transitions between European countries by as much as 88%, with border officers being able to take one look at the “Automobile Registered for Sovereign Europe” and promptly allowing entrance. When collecting your car, you’ll get your A.R.S.E handed to you after all the necessary checks have been completed. Whilst driving, please ensure you always have your A.R.S.E visible.

If you’re at all worried about the validity of the “Automobile Registered for Sovereign Europe”, please don’t hesitate to not worry as this is only an April Fool’s Joke.
Great idea but some drivers might find all those visible arses a bit distracting.
Totally had us until A.R.S.E. Brilliant; a great laugh! Thank you. 🙂
Well done Zest – very amusing!! But it sounded like something that the EU could introduce!!!
Perhaps it would be advisable to cheek that ur A.R.S.E Is not covered in mud if going off road !!
Nice one!
I was about to email to ask if this was an April fool and then I saw the confession. It is good to be able to laugh under the circumstances.
Well done ZEST
HA HA, Very funny. Mooning now made compulsory byEU!!
Very good totally unexpected, great to see some businesses have a sense of humour
you had me cursing another silly EU rule. well played.
Very good.
Brilliant. This celebration of April 1st typifies the friendly, caring service provided by all your staff. Their attitude to customers clearly shows they enjoy working for Zest, a sense of humour is vital in any work place. Thank you for brightening my day.
Thanks for the “information”. It had me worried for a while!!
Thanks for that third time I got caught out, I’m clearly too trusting!!
Perfect , the right badge to show these clowns . I’ll drive in reverse.
So happy to see that the folk at Zest not only have the best staff…….they’ve also got a great sense of humour !
Had my ARSE in a flap as currently travelling Europe in a hire car!! LOL!
Considering the state of our country at present I feel that these badges are very appropriate for the idiots we have at Westminster with the A.R.S.E. being the operative word!!! Enjoyed the ruse though
Sent it to my daughter who is in France driving down to Spain. Gave her a shock until she realised what date it is. Fantastic one.
April fool
Nice one Zest.
Hahaha you had me
Ha Ha very good
I have to admit I fell for this as I would not put it past Brussels bureaucrats to come up with something as stupid as this.
I was conned!
Very funny.I almost missed your April Fool bit.
There is another reason for using your services, not only do you supply the best hire car service in Portugal but you actually are a real pleasure to do business with. Will have used your services for many years and see no reason why that would ever change.
Love it we need a good laugh I’ve forwarded to friends hope you get some biz.
Ha ha! Good one guys. Almost as unbelievable as the mess our politicians are making of Brexit. They all need their A.R.S.E. kicking.
Can’t wait for us to show our arses in Europe
So crazy its almost believable as it could be some new legislation from the EU.
Thanks for cheering up my day !!!
Pretty good . I read it as straight until the first use of initials for the new badge .
Brilliant does that mean people with bigger cars will have a bigger A.R.S.E . badge.
Thanks for the info. With Brexit I’m not sure if I will be able to get my A.R.S.E into gear.
Hahaha,cracking joke!!!
Thank you for that, got me reading right until the Acronym A.R.S.E which i truly am.
Nice one. Had me in stitches. Lovely that reputable companies have normal people working for them – who have a sense of humour 🙂 Thank you.
Brilliant !!! read right till the end to realise it was an April fool! Wonderful to know there’s still some humanity at the end of all these online companies, made my day, well done zest !!!!
Oh you naughty people. How convincing but if you make people laugh that is a bonus.
Haha. Don’t give them any ideas.
were hiring a car in palma airport for a 1week holiday. will this affect us
Hi Lynette,
This won’t affect your car hire in Palma. Everything we’ve said here is not true, it’s our April Fools joke for the year.
Sorry for any confusion caused by this but please rest assured, your car hire will not be affected.
Good one and topical!
Very clever
Made me smile. Thank you.
What a great idea from the EU..
will they also be passing a requirement for all cars to be fitted with T.I.T.S.
allowing free movement between all toll roads ?
maybe by 01.04.20??
Brilliant had me till I saw the A.R.S.E…
Fantastic bit of fun. Well done.
(A.R.S.E) Sums up the EUROPEAN elite,
And our politicians perfectly.
Well done Zest.
The bottom nearly fell out of my rental car tour of Italy in June when I read this!
Ah brilliant. Well done the Zest team. I’m off to Almeria soon but you don’t hire from there, so sorry, unable to give you that business. Regards,
Hello Paul,
Thanks for the comment, glad you like it! We do cover Almeria, when are you looking to hire?
I’ve checked my A.R.S.E. and all seems to be in good working order. The British members of Parliament should check their ARSE’S. Thanks for a great April fools joke!!
Silly arses.
I had my A.r.s.e visible before the new ruling as an early adopter on the Alpha and Beta programs, if you need any extra details on Showing your A.r.s.e. do not hesitate to enquire.
Funny Ha Ha!
Like the joke, you have to look at the spelling to work it out!
On the eve of driving out to Spain and rushing around trying to get international driving permits for France and for Spain, having to get extra checks done on the dog who has a Spanish passport but lives in England six months of the year this looked like it was going to be the straw that broke the camels back. But then reading it all to the end and after cursing you profusely we did see the funny side.
Love it!
Great April Fool. My wife was concerned about her A.R.S.E being ogled by foreign customs.
Nice one! Nearly got me.
Very funny, thanks got the laugh
Intend to drive straight to Brussels and show off my A.R.S.E. to the politicians
Nearly fell for it!!!!!!!
We do drive our car frequently to Chantilly in France and wondered what next !!!!!.
However, it is good to note that we in Britain are about to change to driving on the right hand side of the road!
Very good zest, nice to have a chuckle.
Thank you for your advice, Zest; I will make sure that my ARSE is suitably exposed when I pick up my vehicle in Gibraltar.
Very funny. Now I just want to see the backside of our Prime Minister.
Brilliant I’m very much looking forward to collecting my A.R.S.E and having loads of fun…..
You must rent lots of cars to our politicians?
Great, nearly got me
Glad to see something to smile about these days
Very good (Funny)
Brilliant. Bring it on. Leave on WTO terms
12th April
Laugh my A.R.S.E. Off
thank you
very clever!! Had me fooled! Mind you I wouldn’t be surprised at anything we are told to do with Brexit at the moment with international driving licences, new rules for passports etc that we are going to have thrust upon us!!
Great Joke ….. But we are getting our A-R-S-E well and truly reamed at the moment by our UK bumbling selfish MPs and thats NO JOKE! Its a horror show! Good Humour on your part at a time when things are’nt very funny at all.
excellent April fools joke , well done made my day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brilliant. Well done
Excellent, well thought out, best laugh of the day so far
Nice one!
Brilliant – loved it
Nice one =)……….
….as required whilst stopped in traffic with my A.R.S.E. visible someone parked their bike in it!!
Glad to know that a sense of humour is retained what ever happens
thanks for the joke !!
It worked! I was going to ask where I could get a sticker! Or whether all hire cars would have one!
Love it – just HAD to click on the link to see what happened!
My ARSE is always visible when driving!!!!
ha ha. was nearly looking for one online !!
Fantastic. I had realised it may be an April Fools joke so was pleased to see it was.
Well done well truly got!!
We should have ALREADY shown our ARSE to Europe last month !
We should have already shown our ARSE to Europe
You had me. Love it
You never know those men in Brussels might think it’s a good idea (ARSE)
Great, very funny and just what we need at this time with the UK in meltdown!
Love it. Well done. Took a while for the penny to drop.
Good one.And the badge looks so convincing and plausible.
Nice one Zest good to see some humour, coincided with the 29th March joke as well.
Should be sent to Westminster!
This brightened up my morning.
One of the best. Chapeau !
Love this joke! Well done ZEST.
Thank you so much for the publicity as it promotes the work of my organisation
Neil E Done
Vice President
Automobile Registered for Sovereign Europe (A.R.S.E) Scheme
Please register for my next seminar “Exploring the processes and underlying strategies for talking total A.R.S.E”
Ha Hah! – it took me a few seconds to realise what the date today is…
Always welcome a reason to smile. Congrats John
Absolutely brilliant. You got me.!
I live in France, and as we are ruled by an emperor I swallowed the sovereign bit. Love it. Well done. Now I just have to wait for my deportation!
Well aint that a BUMMER !!!
Love it. Good to read something that made us laugh for a change instead of doom and gloom Brexit.
Classic April Fools joke … well done.
You got me … hook, line & Juncker!
Very funny!
Given the way Brussels works, it could have been true.
Nearly got me!
Very funny.
That made me laugh and I believed it till I saw A.R.S.E.!!!
Love your sense of humor Zest
My A.R.S.E. is to big to be stuck on the back of the car but thanks for the heads up anyway.
Oh very good!!!
Well done. Love it.
Well done,nearly had me.
Do I need to show my ARSE when crossing from Gibraltar to Spain and is there any other part of my anatomy the immigration officers may want to see ?
Very good!
Great spoof – like the “sovereign Europe ‘ bit!
Well done Zest, very good that
Very good, I am pleased this is an April fools joke as we have enough arse`s in government trying to make a decision about Brexit.
Great!, but you shouldn’t have spoiled it at the emd!!
So much for covering your A.R.S.E…Love it!
April 1st, eh!