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With its astounding natural beauty and comfortable atmosphere, it’s little wonder that you’ve selected the Central American retreat of Costa Rica for your upcoming holiday. Blessed with both beaches and jungle, this tropical paradise can pose a problem when it comes to packing! This is especially true if you have never visited a similar destination before. So, here’s a packing list for a holiday in Costa Rica, based on a 10 day long stay. This should give you an idea of what you will need, however feel free to adjust to suit your own needs and itinerary.


Laundrettes are relatively rare in Costa Rica and whilst hotels will offer this service, it can become expensive. Therefore, whilst you need to be careful not to over pack, do ensure you bring enough of everything to ensure you are comfortable throughout your stay.

Also remember that whilst weather here is dictated by wet and dry seasons, Costa Rica is extremely hot and humid; therefore if you escape rain, you will likely still get damp from the humidity!

  • 12 t-shirts or short sleeved tops.
  • 2 or 3 long sleeved tops to protect you from sunburn or insects.
  • 1 or 2 thicker jumpers to keep you warm at high elevations.
  • Lightweight waterproof jacket.
  • 2 swim suits so that one can dry whilst you use the other.
  • 5 pairs of shorts/skirts.
  • 2 pairs of full length trousers; one lightweight and the other could be jeans.
  • 3 or 4 dressier outfits for the evenings, depending on how many nights out you plan on having.
  • Underwear and socks.
  • Nightwear.
A packing list for a holiday in Costa Rica
A volcano on Costa Rica; just one of many great hiking spots.


One of your biggest priorities when packing for a trip should be footwear. There is nothing worse than uncomfortable shoes which rub incessantly and cause blisters! Plus, in a destination like this you need to ensure you take footwear to fit all occasions.

  • A sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes.
  • Flip flops for the beach.
  • Lightweight hiking socks.
  • A pair of dressier shoes or sandals for evenings or meals out.
  • River/reef/sea shoes are also worth considering.


Aside from clothes and shoes, there are several other accessories which you will find to be essential during a trip here.

  • Sunglasses.
  • A wide brimmed hat or cap.
  • A light, loose cover up for protection from the sun.
  • A camera plus an extra memory card.
  • Prescription or reading glasses.
  • A head/sweat band.
  • A watch, ideally waterproof.
A packing list for a holiday in Costa Rica
The stunning Tenorio Waterfall in Costa Rica. Don’t forget your suncream!


And lastly, for those miscellaneous items which don’t fit into the other categories:

  • A simple First Aid Kit. As a minimum guide, ensure it contains good quality insect repellent as there are a lot of mosquitos, pain relief such as ibuprofen, antiseptic cream such as Savlon, plasters and butterfly closures.
  • A high SPF factor sunscreen is essential. Costa Rica is just 10 degrees north of the equator so it is hot and humid and the sun is very strong.
  • Consider a birding book and wildlife book. Costa Rica is a haven for bird life and colourful birds at that and a variety of other wildlife.
  • Whilst packing it can be easier than you might think to forget to pack your important travel documents.
  • A day pack or bag for day trips out. Try to get one with a waist strap if you plan on walking or hiking.
  • All of your usual toiletries and personal documents such as money, credit cards and driving license.
  • Travel adapters for your electronics.

Naturally, you will want to tailor this packing list for a holiday in Costa Rica to suit your individual needs. You may take additional electronics, a slightly different number of clothes or other gadgets that I don’t know about! In general however, this list should come in handy as a starting point when packing for your holiday here. Have a fantastic time!

Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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