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Should I go on holiday to Morocco?
The Great Mosque of Hassan II in Casablanca.

Morocco is a stunning country. Combining varied landscapes with rich cultural traditions, it delivers a taste of the exotic yet it’s relatively close to home. It is a country in North Africa, bordered by countries which are currently experiencing social unrest. Therefore, a trip here is not one that most people take lightly. If you are reading this, you are clearly intrigued and want to visit Morocco. It is likely that you have many questions about a holiday here. You might find yourself asking should I go on holiday to Morocco? So, here I am to answer some common queries… Leave a comment if you have any other questions and I will be pleased to help.

Is it safe to travel to Morocco?

It is always advisable to check the current travel advice for any country you plan visit. The best resource for this is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. This site is regularly updated with current travel advice for all countries. At present there is a minor, general threat of terrorism and there have been some peaceful demonstrations and protests in Morocco. The threat however is relatively small so you shouldn’t let this deter you from visiting Morocco. Just be sure to avoid demonstrations and follow instructions given by local authorities.

What is the weather like in Morocco?

Located in North Africa, the climate is one of the best parts of a trip to Morocco. The north of Morocco and mountainous area in the west enjoy a Mediterranean climate. Home to cities like Marrakech, Agadir and Casablanca, this is the area you are most likely to visit. During the summer months, temperatures peak in the high 30’s making it a super summer destination. High temperatures in the mid 20’s remain during winter making it a perfect winter sun location too. Just remember to take a jacket as temperatures during the evening will be cooler.

What is there to see in Morocco?

Morocco is an assault on the senses. The vibrant smells, sounds and sights will captivate you entirely! There are a variety of things to see during a trip here. Start by visiting some of the famous landmarks such as the huge Hassan II mosque in Casablanca. This is the second largest mosque in the world. The souks of Marrakech are world famous; spend some time wandering among them and search for souvenirs. Sample some of the street food for a truly authentic experience. Plan a trip to the capital Fes where the Medina is a world heritage site. Embark on a guided tour for the best experience where you can learn about the history on a trip back in time. The streets are a maze in themselves, littered with royal gardens, mosques and monuments.

What is there to do in Morocco?

You will be spoilt for choice when it comes to activities. Beaches, mountains and deserts define the landscape, plus several diverse and captivating cities. So, as you can tell, there’s something for all. For starters, why not indulge in a traditional Hammam at a public steam bath. It’s a great cultural activity plus it will relax and revive you! Embark on a journey into the Sahara Desert – either on a camel trek or by 4×4. Both are great ways to get around and experience this otherworldly landscape characterized by towering sand dunes. With the Atlantic Ocean meeting the shoreline, surfing is particularly popular in Morocco. Head to the shores north of Agadir for some exceptional breaks! The High Atlas Mountains offer another set of options from trekking excursions to skiing. The journey there will be as exceptional as your arrival.

Should I go on holiday to Morocco?
Contrasting colours of the desert and the Atlas Mountains.

How should I dress in Morocco?

It can be difficult to determine what is and isn’t acceptable to wear when visiting a foreign country. When visiting Morocco is it best to remain cautious and take a modest approach for both men and women. Try not to have bare shoulders or wear anything above the knee so keep shorts and strappy tops at home. It is also hot however so light, breathable clothing will be a life saver. Men and women should take a scarf to cover up, plus a cardigan or jacket for the evenings as the temperature can drop considerably.

What else do I need to know about Morocco?

The culture in Morocco is probably very different to what you are used to. Haggling is very much a way of life, so do be prepared to bargain. Be mindful of scams; you will probably be targeted more if you are a Westerner. The best way to deal with this scenario is to act confident. Pretend you have travelled to Morocco before and be assertive.

So, hopefully these have helped to answer the question should I go on holiday to Morocco? It truly is a fascinating country to visit. It is a destination that will introduce you to a completely different way of life in an unforgettable way. What other questions do you have? Alternatively, do you have any advice to share?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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