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Going about our day to day lives, it’s easy to forget the sheer beauty of our planet. With just a few weeks of annual leave per year and perhaps the more important issue of restricted funds, most of us will never set foot in 95% of the amazing places scattered around the world. It doesn’t have to stop us from dreaming though, so here’s a look at 6 amazing places you’ll probably never visit. Whilst you’re unlikely to choose any of the destinations for your next holiday, it might prompt you to consider a new destination next time you go away!

Everest base camp

Everest: its peak sits at 29,029ft above the earth making it the tallest and greatest mountain on the planet. Part of the Himalayas mountain range which is located along the border of Nepal and China, travelling to the base is no easy feat in itself. Completing the trek to Everest base camp however? That is a whole other story and altitude sickness can take down even the fittest of people! We’ve got to be honest, 9 out of 10 of us will never make it here, but it’s certainly inspiring. It’s one of the world’s most incredible wonders that has enraptured us mere mortals since the first climbers attempted to scale it in the 1920’s and probably many more years prior!

If you decide you want to go: Book a guided expedition and read up on Lonely Planet’s tips.


A continent comprised of harsh, snowy wilderness, Antarctica has long captured our attention. Yet because of its remote location and wild demeanour, it’s obviously not a destination that many make it to. Not to mention the fact that so little is known about this continent in comparison to just about everywhere else in the world too of course. David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet series back in 2011 brought interest in this destination soaring however and holidays saw a huge boom! As amazing as it would be to frolic with the penguins, polar bears and orca amongst many more species, the price tag of an arctic cruise would far exceed most of our budgets. We can dream though hey!

If you decide you want to go: Why not take a look at Discover the World’s options.

Sahara Desert

From extreme cold to extreme heat, the massive expanse of the Sahara Desert is quite overwhelming. In fact, it is comparable in size to the whole of North America or China and covers most of North Africa. Sure, there are ways and means of visiting it if you go on holiday to Algeria, Tunisia or Egypt for example but it’s unlikely you will ever visit the beating heart of the hottest place on earth. It’s staggering to think that despite the harsh environment here, many animals call it home all within vast valleys, staggering sand dunes and volcanic mountain ranges!

If you decide you want to go: has a great range of options to choose from.

Papua New Guinea

amazing places you’ll probably never visit
A classic view in Papua New Guinea.

This island nation lies 160km north of Australia, which in itself is a once in a lifetime destination for many, so the thought of visiting Papua New Guinea probably doesn’t even register on most people’s radars! Immaculate beaches, comparable only to your wildest dreams, fringe the shoreline whilst the interior boasts tropical rainforests and exotic wildlife; many of which are unnamed and entirely exclusive to this island! Should you ever make it to Oceania, consider an adventure to this strange and enticing land!

If you decide you want to go: Discover Papau New Guinea with Explore!


amazing places you’ll probably never visit
The eye catching and colourful exterior of Saint Basil Cathedral.

Maybe Russia doesn’t necessarily deserve a mention in this article. After all, it’s not actually that difficult to get to; many business travellers commute here every year and indeed a fair few people who travel for pleasure. It is certainly culturally and historically rich however and indeed the largest country in the world by a long, long way, presenting endless opportunities for discovery. For the majority of the world’s population however, myself included, the sheer thought of those plunging temperatures and fur hats puts us off ever considering a trip here! Would you wrap up to travel here?

If you decide you want to go: Check out Just Go Russia for inspiration.


amazing places you’ll probably never visit
A shot of the landscape and native people in Madagascar.

Floating in the midst of the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa, you are probably most familiar with this island from the animated film of the same name that was released a few years back. Should you be able to afford the minimum 1,000 Euro plane fare to travel here, you won’t find talking animals but you will find a great diversity, living among lush, tropical landscapes making it one of the world’s most amazing places. What makes it even more special is the small number of tourists who venture here each year!

If you decide you want to go: Kuoni is a great place to start.

So, here’s our pick of 6 amazing places you’ll probably never visit, but it’s nice to dream about! What amazing places are on your dream bucket list, even if you don’t think you’ll realistically make it to visit them?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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