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Travel and holidays are an exciting part of your annual plans! It’s your chance to relax, unwind and escape everyday stresses and strains. This can lead some of us to be careless when abroad however so here are some tips to stay safe on your travels to ensure you have a happy, healthy time!

Tips to stay safe before you go

Tips to stay safe on your travels
Be prepared and ensure you have all of your documentation to hand.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know by now that in my eyes, preparation is essential and the same rule applies when it comes to my tips to stay safe on your travels! Ensure that you have all the correct paperwork to hand for your flights, complete the emergency contact section of your passport and make sure that you have travel insurance before you go. It is also worthwhile leaving a copy of your passport with a trusted family member or friend as well as your flight number and the contact details for your hotel whilst you will be away. In your rush to get out of the door, ensure you securely lock all of your doors and windows right before you leave too!

If you need to take a number of medicines on your travels, always take enough to see you through the duration of your trip as well as a few extra days’ supply in case of any unexpected changes to your itinerary. These tips are perhaps fairly obvious, but things can be overlooked in the stressful lead up to your holiday away and they can help you to stay safe.

Tips to stay safe out and about

Try not to make the fact that you are a tourist TOO obvious. Standing on a street corner trying valiantly to fold your huge map back up with an expensive camera strewn around your neck is probably not very subtle and is like sending a fog horn signal to anyone looking for an easy target. Obviously you are a tourist, so there will be times when you won’t know where you are going but just be aware of this fact and perhaps take a look at your map when you are sat down having a coffee instead.

Unfortunately, pickpocketing happens all over the world and it takes just a second to lose your valuables. Whilst you don’t want to be overly paranoid, do try to keep your wits about you. As such, when you are out and about try to keep as many valuables locked in your hotel safe as you can, including your credit cards and your passport. In addition, try to split your money into different pockets and take only the amount you will need for that day, to avoid flaunting wads of cash around when paying for items. In the same vein, for the love of god, don’t keep your wallet in your back pocket; you might as well as stand on the street corner handing your money out to passers-by!

With bags and other personal possessions; try not to leave them unattended! Again, this is fairly obvious but it happens more often than you might think. Keep it on your lap or wrap the strap of your bag around your arm or leg. If someone does attempt to mug you, don’t fight it; give it up. It might be hard to swallow but your travel insurance should cover your possessions and at least you will come out of the situation unharmed.

Tips to stay safe when getting around

If you plan to hire a car, make sure you run a number of checks BEFORE driving away. It might be an inconvenience when you’ve just got off of a flight, but it will save you time and energy in the long run. You don’t need to do much; just have a walk around and take note of the tyres and their tread level, check the fluids including the water for the window wipers and the oil level, and turn the engine on so you can listen to the car tick over plus check the lights and indicators.

Tips to stay safe at your travels
If hiring a car, be sure to check the vehicle over before driving away.

If you will be travelling by taxi, try to pre-book the journeys in advance and always agree the rate of the journey before getting in. This makes it fairer for everyone involved and will avoid any unsavoury ends to the taxi ride.

So there you have it, just a handful of helpful tips to stay safe on your travels. What tips and suggestions do you have to add?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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