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Earlier this year, consumer body Which? conducted extensive research with regards to the clarity of car hire websites and charges. Economy Car Hire were very pleased to have come out on top of the broker chart as a result of their findings. With car hire continuing to cause a headache for many holidaymakers however, Which? has dug a little deeper and looked into how consumers car hire complaints are handled.

Which? determined that the top five reasons for complaint included additional charges after the hire had ended, extra charges on collection of the vehicle followed by customer service, condition of the vehicle and fuel charges. It was revealed that, overall, 60% of those asked were not satisfied with the way their complaint was handled by a range of big name brands such as Avis and Hertz as well as car hire brokers such as Holiday Autos.

Read more about it here and take a look at the Which? checklist to ensure you don’t get surprised by extra charges. Take a look at their insurance jargon buster and find out what else Which? hopes to achieve from their work with car hire companies.

Here at Economy Car Hire, we already clearly advise our customers when a Fair Fuel Policy is available, but we were once again praised for adding the estimated cost of fuel to our quote results page. Customers can also find out about any additional costs which may be applicable to their rental by clicking the orange View Rental Conditions link underneath each vehicle on the quote results page. All information is also advised to you throughout the booking process.

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