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Travel Mistake

We’ve all been there, done that… and by that, I mean make a silly, usually costly and probably avoidable mistake either right before or in the middle of a trip. To ensure your travels are mistake free in the coming year take a look at our 8 top travel mistakes not to make… what’s the biggest travel mistake you’ve ever made?

Don’t book solely based on price

Everyone likes a good deal but sometimes a cheap price isn’t everything. Think about it – do you really want to have to be at the airport for 4.00am to catch that super cheap 6.10am departure to Malaga, for a £10.00 saving? Don’t get me wrong, cheap is often cheerful but sometimes it’s worth considering spending a little more to be truly happy before you click the book button.

Don’t book flights without enough time for connections

If you’re flying long haul, a lengthy wait at a connecting airport can send even the most seasoned travellers into a gloomy mood but that said it’s usually better than a very stressful 15 minute race for your next plane. If there are a couple of options available, it’s more sensible to allow a longer connection, purely for peace of mind. This then means you have some breathing room in case of unforeseen delays; you can stretch your legs, breathe in some normal air and make your next plane at a comfortable pace.

Don’t go to the wrong airport

This sounds silly I know but in cities with multiple airports, it can be easily done, particularly if you’re not very organised! If it happens to you, you likely won’t notice until you try to check in and one mad dash for the taxi rank will likely ensue. My tip is to ensure you check the name and airport code that you are flying home from a few times throughout your holiday!

Don’t forget to check your passport expiry date

These days you usually have to enter your passport information whilst booking your flights which then prompts you to check your passport expiry date. No problem then right? Wrong! Some countries insist that you have at least 6 months and sometimes longer left on your passport in order to enter. So ensure you check both the passport expiry date and the entry requirements of the country you’re visiting!

Don’t wait until you are due to travel to check your details

Airlines are notorious for their costly fees to make amendments to tickets and so one slip of the finger when entering a passenger name can make for a very costly mistake! The best thing to do is proofread what you have entered before booking, but also to double and triple check the confirmation email you receive, as soon as you receive it! This way you can rectify any mistakes immediately.

Don’t forget to check your hire car on collection

Frequent car hirers will be first in line to tell you that this is a tip you don’t want to overlook. You might be tired after a long flight but be sure to check over your allocated vehicle before you drive away. If you can, go round the vehicle with an employee and mark down any pre-existing marks or scratches on a contract or piece of paper that you both sign. If there’s anything that you’re not happy with, now is the time to say. You won’t regret it!

Don’t forget to read the terms

Terms are usually contained on a separate page, where the information can be displayed in full size and set out in an easy to read manner… but this makes it’s all the easier for you to not read them, after all it requires just a quick tick of the box and on you go with your booking! It’s laborious, yes, but don’t forget to read the terms and conditions whatever they pertain to; this way, you can make a truly informed decision and avoid any nasty surprises!

Don’t book a hotel miles from where you want to be

“A dream hotel at an unbelievably great price and within a reasonable distance of the main attractions” – This could be the description of many hundreds of hotels but what’s wrong with this sentence? That little phrase “reasonable distance”! Make sure you find out exactly how far the hotel is from the local amenities or town and ensure you are happy with it otherwise the cost of the hotel could soon shoot up once you include the cost of public transport!

I have certainly made a few of these mistakes before and hope not to repeat the experience. Tell me, what is the worst travel mistake you’ve ever made?

By Kerri Ware from Economy Car Hire

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  • Kerri Ware 4 Feb 2013

    Great tips David, very true and worthwhile remembering before travelling to certain countries.

  • In some of the recently more popular places you would do well to check on what behaviour is prohibited. This means dress codes especially for women and widely different ‘moral’ codes. In some places you can be jailed for kissing and sentenced to death for possessing drugs or having sex.

    Puts scratches on the rental car into perspective.

  • Kerri Ware 28 Jan 2013

    Mike, thanks for your comment. Full to full fuel policies are usually the preferred option. Look out for the full to full options that we offer – we highlight the choices in green on our quote results when available.

  • Kerri Ware 28 Jan 2013

    Stumpy, thanks for your comment, that doesn’t sound good! It’s always worthwhile confirming the fare with the driver before starting the journey.

  • Mike Baugh 27 Jan 2013

    Try to book a car with a full tank to return full it can solve a few problems like running low and can’t find an open petrol station. A mistake not to make

  • I got in a taxi in Saigon and the driver threatened me until i paid double the fare.

  • Kerri Ware 22 Jan 2013

    Great point! It’s so easy to get sucked up in the hype of a place when the reality can be very different. How did you find that it differed?

  • Laura @Travelocafe 22 Jan 2013

    What a great list!
    One travel mistake I made is to assume that Bali is indeed as advertised.

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