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If you stop and think about it, some of the world’s most famous cities are rather odd. They are often filled with weird and wonderful things, contrasts and culture clashes. This only makes them more fun to visit however. Here’s our selection of 5 of the world’s weirdest cities.

Tokyo, Japan

Not only one of the most expensive cities in the world, it’s safe to say that Tokyo is one of the oddest. Even the simplest tasks can be considered eccentric. Toilets talk to you, people sleep in hotel pods and you may need to choose your eateries wisely. There are some strange ones such as the Vampire Café frequently found in the mix. When it comes to having a drink, the bars continue the weird and wonderful theme. At the ER Hospital Bar for example, drinks are poured straight from large hypodermic needles. It doesn’t stop there though, some of the outfits, museums, signs, merchandise on sale in shops and the locals’ love of karaoke could all be considered a bit strange.

Dubai, UAE

Dubai is a city that likes to push boundaries. Not only does it boast ski slopes inside inner city shopping malls, underwater hotels and the world’s tallest building, it has also completed very ambitious offshore projects. These include the creation of an archipelago of 300 islands in the shape of a mini map of the world and a giant palm tree. Dubai clearly has a lot of money to throw around.Everything is done on a grand and luxurious scale making it a bit of a fantasy land, dripping in gold.

Las Vegas, USA

Las Vegas is exuberant, there’s no other way to describe it. The sheer scale of everything here is impressive, including the crowds of people, casinos and of course the neon flashing signs. The huge replicas of famous world landmarks mean you can experience a part of every country in the blink of an eye. It is nicknamed Sin City thanks to its focus on adult entertainment. It has the highest number of churches of any city in the USA, famed of course for quick marriages! Time seems to lose all meaning as people get sucked into gambling at the many casinos. Night turns to day whilst they sit at the slots. There are no clocks in any of the casinos. Somehow Las Vegas turns tacky into cool. The many thousands of people that visit every year are living proof so although it’s weird, it seems that Vegas is a winner.

Reykjavík, Iceland

Many cities boast a fantastic nightlife but for some reason in Reykjavík it seems to be turned up a gear, or three. When the party starts, it lasts all night. Beer was banned here until 1990. Perhaps the Nordic locals are making up for lost time? The city enjoys near continuous sunlight during the summer, known as the Midnight Sun. It’s plunged into near darkness for the long months of winter during the Polar Night. You can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with the full-on atmosphere.

Delhi, India

Delhi is somewhat overwhelming, thanks largely to the absurd summer heat and unfathomable amount of people who live here. It’s also a city of juxtaposition and in some sense, a blend of extremes that makes it alluring to visitors. It is growing at an alarming rate. Thus its past and modern aspects have mangled into somewhat of a strange hodge-podge in the city’s rush to grow. Ancient monuments are trapped under flyovers and high rise tower blocks. When you throw in the opposition to order and lack of road rules, it’s certainly a peculiar city.

For more information on booking car hire in one of these weird and wonderful cities head to our quote page! We firmly believe that different is good and travelling is all about experiencing and enjoying new things! So we would love to hear about the weirdest place you’ve ever been to, don’t forget to leave a comment below!

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