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At the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, you will find the island of Sardinia. Characteristically Italian yet with individual, friendly charm, it’s sophisticated and blissfully free from droves of mainstream holidaymakers. As the second largest island in the Mediterranean, it boasts miles of perfect coastline, entrancing towns and an interesting history. Some of the most impressive strings to its bow, are the beaches, the sumptuous food and drink and the rich variety of landscapes and wildlife. Here’s a little more about each of these.


Although the island is only a 2 hour flight from the UK, upon your arrival the crystal clear waters and pristine white sand may well trick you into thinking you have touched down in the Caribbean. It is clear to see why the beaches are regarded as some of the best in the world. Gently shelved sand that stretches for many blissfully uninterrupted kilometres, it is heaven on earth. Many interesting rock formations and sand dunes make them all the more appealing.

Clean and clear, the water is so inviting that you are sure to spend a great deal of your time doing little else but swimming. The glass-like clarity means you can strap on a snorkel and go to town just about anywhere. South west Sardinia boasts some particularly remote beaches. This area is undeveloped in comparison to the rest of the island. Chia is particularly beautiful as is Porto Sa Ruxi and Campulongu Beach. The area around Alghero, on the other hand, with its many underwater caves and grottoes is the perfect playground for scuba diving. That said, whichever beach you stumble across won’t disappoint.

Food and Drink

Hugged by the shores of both mainland Italy and France, Sardinia’s cuisine boasts the best of both worlds. It offers a fusion of Italian and French, yet with its own individual delights to tempt you. Naturally, seafood plays a huge part but as a shepherd country by tradition, meat is more popular, usually grilled or spit-roasted, along with breads, cheese and olives. Local, authentic and fresh, much of the food is naturally delicious and thus needs little embellishment. Pizza and pasta, true to the islands Italian roots are plentiful. Be aware that you are unlikely to find a pizzeria serving before 7pm. The fruits and vegetables are generally grown on the island and vastly organic and compliment the cuisine well. Mealtimes are certainly something to look forward to.

Grapes are grown by the bucket load, resulting in excellent local wine, with each area boasting its own specialty. Alghero is best known for its Sella e Mosca. Whites are dry and tangy and are paired well with fish and cheese. Reds, full bodied and rich are the perfect accompaniment to the meats. Those who aren’t a fan of wine shouldn’t despair however, beer is readily available and Limoncello, sweet and citrusy, is also the ideal tipple following a nice meal.

Flora and Fauna

Anyone who enjoys the great outdoors will be right at home in Sardinia. Boasting a stunning coastline along with a rugged mountainous interior and rolling fields of green interspersed with the colour of wild flowers, the island is unspoilt and naturally beautiful. National parks, nature reserves, and protected marine areas can all be found. They have been implemented to ensure that even as the island grows in popularity, the beauty is retained. Animal lovers will also delight with the land abound with everything from wild pigs, wild horses, wild cats, Sardinian deer and mouflon to golden eagles, falcons and bearded vultures. Your explorations of the island are sure to uncover much beautiful flora and fauna.

This is by no means an exhaustive presentation of reasons to visit Sardinia, simply just an introduction to some of the best thing it has to offer. Rest assured that the best way to experience it is to travel to this Mediterranean island yourself.

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